cows are clows when youre high enough

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Shouto never knew what the word 'family' meant. To him 'family' was dinner fights and a wine bottle flying towards him. Family meant blood and gore and pain and suffering. It meant staying up at night fearing the footsteps coming towards your door, or the angry jingle of keys coming into the house.

Family to him never meant love. Family was a tea kettle bearing boiling water and a very unstable mother.

Family was empty dinner tables, tears and panic attacks.

And shouto never thought that the word 'family' would have a different different  meaning one day. He never thought that  a day would come where he would think of family as the smell of pancakes on a sunday morning or the sound of vacuum cleaner waking him up.

He never would have thought that late night grocery shopping or friday night games would be within the meaning of family.

But now it was.

He didnt regret the kiss 

He thought he was going to regret it at first, but he didnt.

Now he had a shoulder to cry on.

He had someone he could rant to and someone who took him to a real doctor and gelped him through his medical problems.

He had someone buy him medicine and clothes and food and he loved it.

Because before all this he used the clothes he used to wear when he was 13, he used to be unhealthily thin and used to be starved for days.

Before all this he used to fear phone calls and rides home, he used to fear asking endeavor a question or get a bad test result.

Now he could do that.

Shouto wanted to tell that to hanta, to the crying boy in front of him.

"Hanta" he says calmly and sero looks up tears running down his face. "Its okay"

"But yo-"

"Dude, yes i am pissed off because monoma sent that to endeavor but without that i would have never know ho annoying katsuki could get when hes sleepy or how mituski loves katsudon because katsuki used to be obsessed with it. I would have never been able to get out a drawing book or forget it somewhere in the house. Im okay, im happy and i never wpuld have been if it wasnt for our kiss. Do you understand?"

"You- you dont-?"

"Babe i had to triple lock my doors to keep endeavor from coming into my room at night, im doing much better than i was. I dont regret us kissing"

"Im so sorry" sero lunges forward and hugs shouto and shouto lets him because he is tired and he needs it.

"Im okay dude" shouto hugs back.


A week before summer break

"Hello?" Mina says, the phone to her ear waiting for a response.


"Oh kendo! Hi bae whats up"

"Can we talk about something?"

"Oh uh... sure are you free in like 10 minutes? Im at a cafe you can come if you want"

"Okay then"



"Oh my god are you okay? Youre pale babes"

"Look i- theres something important i need to tell you"

"Whats up"

"The uh, the other day, monoma overheard a conversation between you and your friends and he was boasting about how great of a revenge he got to take on shouto- i asked him and he just laughed. I got worried so i went into his inbox to check if he had done something and-"

"Ken its okay what happened"

"He sent a video to endeavor. Anonymously of course. He sent a vid of sero and shouto kissing and im so sorry if i had known i would have stopped it i-"

"Holy shit"

"Im so sorry"

"Babe you didnt do anything but, holy shit wow what a douche"

"I told your teacher, aizawa sensei, he got monoma expelled for a few days but i wanted to make sure i told you, i couldnt just- not say it"

"Im happy you told me"


"So thats how you found out" shouto laughs. A ciggarette lingered between his fingers and he huffed out a long breath

"Dude i didnt know monoma was mad at you"

"Well i make a lot of people mad"


"What do you mean 'hm'"

"I dont know."

"You feel bad about it still?"

"Well yeah, i gave you the idea to kiss me you just- you needed to know"

"Yeah" shouto looks at sero "but you didnt force me, you saw me panicking and you just gave a solution, i said okay. And i was the one who looked in the stalls if the was anyone"

"Were all guilty"


"Wanna go and get high on my rooftop?"

"Fuck yeah"



"Dude" shouto slurred "do you think fuckin clows can fly?"

"What the fuck are clowz"

"What are you talking about, who the fuck is clows"

"Duuuude clows like santa"

"OOOOH that makes sense"

"No no, and why would santa fly"

"Rudy the dolphin pushes his car"


"yea man, santa has a lambo, but his lambo flies"

"Elon musk must be jealous"

"He secretly is"


"Dude do you think cows can fly"

"Yeah dude"

"I see a fuckin cow"

"Is it flying"

"No, i dont know. Its a cloud"

"A clowd"

"Fuckkkkkk thats funny the fuck"

"im magic shan"

"Whos shan"

"No im telling you im a magic shian"

"Oh the people that flush toilets"

"What no"

"What the fuck"

"Those people who stand up and talk"

"A talk shoe"

"No, he makes people go hihihihi and hahahahaha"


"but i dont play the trombone"

"How are you magic shan then"


"Baby shan dududu"

"Shan is a boss"

"Hell yeah"

"I like shan"



run boy runTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon