too much

256 18 6

it felt like the world was going against shouto for god knows what reasons, it always seems like someone is out to get him
.. well im this case, it was endeavor.

and why you may ask? because today was the first day his 3 court dates. today and tomorrow and the day after that shouto was going to be forced to tell the whole world, more like his whole world, the only 6 people that knew about endeavors abuse, but it didnt matter how many people knew, because he was going to come clean about everything to everyone.

even his siblings.

the same siblings that have despised him for as long as he was alive.

the same siblings who were unaware if all the abuse and rape and assault he had to go through.

the same siblings he fought for tooth and nail to keep them from getting trained together with him.

the siblings he craved love from.

he takes a cursury glace at the mirror, taking a glimps of what he looked like at that moment. he was wearing one if katsuki's fancy clothes, a tuxedo to be exact, his hair pulled back into a very little bun, his glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and a bracelete tight at his hand so that he could fiddle with if he needed to.

his heart racing, he wipes his sweaty hand using his pants and turns around fixing his tie


"todoroki shoto please stand" as shoto stands the judge places her glasses on looking over the paper thoroughly "its says here in your statement that endeavor has put you through 13 years of training, is that correct"


"and how old were you when you started training?"

"i was four"

"and how long would those training sessions last?"

"about uh, 10... 10 hours per day"

"did anyone of your family members go through the same treatment?"

"just my oldest brother, hes uh hes dead now but he used to get trained before i started"

"what about the others?"

"they uh they didnt know about the abuse"

"why is that?"

"they uh, they didnt have the proper quirks that endeavor wanted so he put them in a different section of the house and had a nanny take care of them"

"so they had no idea that their youngest brother was being abused in the other section of the same house?"

"the houses were completely seperate, the gardens connected the two, i was never allowed out so they never saw me or endeavor, they didnt know what was happening when it was"

"did anyone know?"


"and who were those people"

"my eldest brother touya and hawks"

"the hero hawks?"


"what were his relations to you?"

"he was my brother's partner at the time, he helped touya out when i needed stitching or if my wounds were grave"

"okay thank you, you may sit down"

the judge takes off her glasses and glances over at the two sides of the podium. all the people that backed endeavor against the abuse he had put shoto through were pro heroes and his two children....

run boy runDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora