mosquitoes and the art of sucking it

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hi.... im shouto (NOT TODOROKI WTF AHH) and welcome to this messy part of my life you nosy bastard.

well you might be asking, 'what the fuck' and dont you worry because im asking that too.

this is honsetly ridiculous, aizawa asked me to do this and who am i to say no... well i did... it didnt end well 'shouto you miscreant, if you dont want a therapist you better do this' and he gave me... this...? i guess. well anyways, let me remind you of the characters that are constantly nagging over my head at this point in time

°•°shouto (not todoroki's) very annoying 'family'•°•°

1- katsuki (that fucker) (love him tho)
2- masaru (the old man) (not mine but acts like it)
3- mitsuki (the scariest nice person i know)
4- izuku (he looks at me like im going to eat him.) (i secretly look at him like im going to kill him) (is definately all mights secret love child)
5- hitoshi (the one person i never thought ill see again) (aizawa's secret love child)
6- aizawa (he scares the fuck ouf of me) (i make him mad on purpose cause its funny) (which leads him to looking at me like i look at izuku from time to time)
7- hizashi (i hate sleeping over at theirs because of this unfiltered microphone) (hes nice tho) (he cant cook for shit and i like watching him mess up)
8- momo (yas queen slay gurl)
9- momo's girlfriend (i dont know her name but we constantly hang out) (jinnie maybe?)
10- the rest of 1A (fucking idiots in my opinion) (i have surprisingly memorised all of their names)

*reminder: ask what jinnies name is*

well, it was announced today that im going to camp (yay me) and i dont know what i feel (mosquitoes can suck an ogres dick i fucking hate them) but im also... excited (question mark?)

the thing is... ive never gone to 'camp' and yes, *puts hands up in 'ive given up mode* stab me in the chest for it (is that what they say?) but i never liked the concept anyways.

HOW CAN SLEEPING IN A TENT BE FUN? i have no idea dont ask me

and im really not excited for this (fucking liar) okay maybe i do want to experience a mosquito bit because i was actually out and not because i forgot to close the window.

i dont know if its obvious but i have no idea if im doing this right? i got legally disowned a week ago and no one has been weird about it except for hypothetical and temporary mom and dad. theyre so stressed all the time its always like 'MAAS GET THE PAPERS'

and then MAAS answers with a longass yes okay and they run to the car together like theyre going to secretly get married (is that a thing people do now?)

oh well... i dont fuckin know.

its all just... weird.

anyways. one thing i am thankful about (yes my summer assignment given by dear old caterpillar father): i am not a fish, nor will i ever be one.

fish look dumb

and obviously i am insanely smart (katsuki says i look dumb but i swear the other day he was holding something and was worried because he couldnt read it

spoiler warning: he was holding it wrong) case closed, i will never be affected when katsuki tells me im dumb because even after mitsuki told him he was wrong he tried to argue..

enough about my adorable pet.

im going to camp in two weeks and i am FREAKING OUT because i slept in class once and when i woke up i had a mustache on my face IM A LIGHT FUCKING SLEEPER HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN

anyways. fuck you denki (round of applause because i fucking know his name)

another assignment aizawa asked me to fullfil?

what would you want to change about yourself?

i am highly sensitive.... TO FUCKING MOSQUITO BITES so if i had to change shit about me it would be that instead of fire and ice i can just repel mosquitoes (just like i repel parental figures) *daradum tshhh* (not funny shouto) okay

so this is what a huge amount of trauma brings me to. what the fuck. the lesson of the day is: dont fucking get hit my your dad youll have to do... whatever this is.

next question tho, what is something you would like to find within yourself?


lost my temper. sorry

next, who is one person you would like to get closer to

i dont fuckin know, the chick from the cat cafe i heard she gives free drink coupons to the people she likes so..

i hope aizawa is satisfied with those cause it took me a while to answer them. and i did NOT treat them as a joke cause as i said... he fuckin scares me so i took this as seriously as i could but i get a B+ for trying (im too generous with myself)

but yeah this is it for the day i guess, im gonna go downstairs and watch a movie with my pet and olly (hyposthetical and temporary mom and dad arent home again)

P.S. this isnt a fucking diary its called a journal fuckwads

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