worries and morning coffee

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after about 30 minutes of the two boys having left, hizashi notices his husbands stressed and tired demeanor. he walks over and sits down putting his palm on aizawa's left cheek to make him look at him.



"you okay?"


"you look like a mess"

"why thank you, i try my best"

"i mean it shota, you got the kid and the papers whats going on with you?"

"im just stressed"

"stressed about what shota? you can get him out of that house, the bakugo's are willing to adopt him and you have a lot of prominent officers who are ready to do anything you ask them"

"i guess"

"talk to me"

"im scared that ill fail hizashi, im scared that ill fail and he'll be forced to get back to endeavor. if i fail his life will go downhill, its already hard for him i cant- i cant fail im the only person he actually talked to i cant let him down"


"do you know how many calls were found from the todoroki household about endeavor's abuse? four hundred eighty three." aizawa plopps down even lower his face now not visible through his arms "483 calls and no one checked it out, no one bat an eye, do you know how many people have let that kid down?"

"shota thats a lot"

"i know, and the funny part was that the officers that got the call were paid to leave them hanging. it was a rule there, if endeavor's kids call ignore it. i cant promise him something for it to flop"

"and its not going to flop, its been a while since youve been working on this, you can do it shota. you were able to get out hitoshi right? and what abiut the other cases youve worked on? youve succeeded all of them and this is just another one, now calm down and take a deep breath okay? its going to work out shoto trust you"

"does he?"

"why would he not, i mean he is a lot less tense when youre around, that has to be something right?"

"he doesnt tell me shit, if he trusted me he would confide in me, not turn things into a joke"

"hes not ready yet, just like you werent and we waited right?"


"it takes time but he'll get there"

"i hope so"

"i do too"

"did you know that he knew shinsou?"

"well hitoshi has told us about the boy in the park but the name was never mentioned until now"



"and his house isnt even near that park"

"yeah, they were six right? at the time"


"what would shoto be doing there at three in the morning?"

"no idea, maybe something like hitoshi"


"i love you hizashi"

"i love you too babe, and whatever happens im right here okay?"

"okay" aizawa says in a whisper as he closes his eyes his head heavy in hizashi's shoulder.

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