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They saved katsuki. The whole thing was a blurr for shouto, they had different clothes and different hair but shouto doesnt remember how it all happened. He doesnt remember going there and doing things and creating a huge ice ramp to get midorya and kirishima close enough.

He watched them fly, he watched as kirishima's and katsuki's hands interwined as he smiled. Katsuki was safe so now shouto could drop to his knees and forget the world for a second.

"Sh- hey! Hes okay shouto hes okay dont worry okay? We can go see them later okay"

He nods not trusting himself to talk.

Katsuki was safe.

He was okay.

And they run. They run to find the other teams spot. Well, shouto runs. He runs as fast as he can hoping to see ash blond spikes in between the crowd. Shouto runs as fast as he can knowing he woukd get to see him again.

Shouto was dizzy. He hadnt eaten in a while. He was tired and crying and lonely and scared and he needed to see the boy he needed to-


Katsuki looks at him and his eyes widen. He looked tired and katsuki wasnt used to seeing him this way. Crying in the middle of a crowd running towards him at full speed. He opened his arms without even thinking and shouto found his way into his arms so fast

"Hey halfy" he says and hugs tighter

"Im sorry" the boy cries. Hes sobbing by now, shaking to his core fisting katsukis shirt at the shoulder "i love you so much im so sorry im sorry im sorry"

A tear rolls down katsukis face "i love you too halfy its okay you dont have to cry"

"I- i thou- ght y-you were gonna die i- fuck im so happy youre okay im so sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry"

"Its okay i love you, its okay its okay its okay im okay i wasnt hurt"

Shouto keeps crying, their hug still as tight as ever. Their friends were staring at shouto, they were watching his distinctly as he broke down over and over again in katsuki's embrace and had seen how caringly he held the other.

Well their hug dilluted as soon as someone yelled "ALL MIGHT'S DOWN" and they both looked at the screen just to see a skinny allmight breathing heavily.

Shouto's face fell even more.


Katsuki stayed over at the police station overnight and after several hours of questioning, mitsuki was fi ally able to see her son.

'KATSUKI" she yelled and embraced him as soon as they met. Her eyes glissened at the sight of him. "Oh my god youve gotten skinnier! Did they not feed you? Oh my god youre okay!"

"Oi oi im good stop screaming in the middle of a police station!"

"Oh youre dad's on his way up baby and then we can go to iraku's store i know you like their chicken curry meal"

"Okay ma"

And then katsuki sees his father, a more tender process but as needy and loving as the other. They stayed there for a while until katsuki asked "wheres shouto?"

"He stayed in the car, he said he was tired"

"Oh, okay"

Katsuki at the time didnt think much of it since shouto was sleeping when they got to the car but little did the boy know that nothing would ever be the same between he and shouto.

Shouto evaded him and avoided being in his presence at all times, during dinners he said he had plans and left the house, he slept in the work room now and totally ignored bakugo like it depended on his life.

run boy runOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant