i wont be coming back

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"hi" shoto walks over to the little boy sitting on the swings, he too had a bandage wrapped across his arm and what looked like a scrubby forehead.

no answer.

"can i sit here? you look cold" the little boy didnt really look cold, but shoto needed the company, his mom had just left them and natsuo had started being mean.

a nod.

"why are you here? its very late" shoto knew he asked a stupid question, he also was there, late at night.

no answer.

"can you talk?"

no. the little boy shakes his quivering head.

"is it because of your quirk?"

the boy doesnt answer, but shoto notices him doing hand signs awkwardly.

"wait. is that sign language?"

the boy's eyes light up as he turns around. shoto said something good but hes not sure what it was.

"i can talk a little" he signs but still vocally speaks. "are you deaf?"

no. the boy signs.

"oh, why are you not talking?"

'i cant control my quirk' he explains his head low

"its okay" shoto reassures "my names shoto"

'h i t o s h i' the boy signs



"nice to meet you hitoshi"

and the boy smiles.

"hey dads im back, im really hoping dinner's ready im star- wh- what are you- hey.."

shoto was on the couch reading a book, aizawa was inside feeding the cats and hizashi was in the bathroom washing up, it was just him and shinsou in that little living room.

"your dads adopted me"


"yeah i was sleeping in an allyway when aizawa dragged me here"

"youre fuckin lying"

"nope, whole whole truth"

"in an allyway?"

"yes with drug gangs and the mafia"

"i was starting to believe it" shoto doesnt expect a pillow to hit his face a few seconds after he says it, but shinsou is laughing and he is now stunned and confused but looks back at hitoshi and smiles

"i would be a delight of a son what do you mean"

"im guessing your ego is still higher than your iq"


"did i hurt your itty bitty feelings? where are dads anyways."

"one of them is feeding the nine cats and the other is washing up"

"hizashi made the food?"

"yeah why?"


"sounds like a great cook"

"he doesnt know how to cook"

"dinner's gonna be fun"

"if its too bad theres a 24/7 store we can eat noodles"

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