Oh No! A Parent

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mitsuki made her way inside the premisses having called beforehand to let people know she was coming inside. she gingerly made her way through the halls, clutching at her purse with both hands. she tried to find the class she was supposed to meet aizawa in but the place was like a maze and mitsuki was irritated by it.

she walked though, she didnt want to let down shoto so she still walked and walked for about ten more minutes when she found a huge door that read 'CLASS 1A'. assuming it was the class she was searching for she opened the door.

aizawa was there, grading some papers with glasses resting on his nose as he fiddled with a string if his hair with his free hand and gave out grades with the other. he lifted his head up to strech when he saw her standing there waiting for him to notice her.

"oh no a parent" he said sarcastically as he gestured to a chair in front of him as an invite for her to sit down. and she did.

"how are you doing?"

"im good, why are you here today? bakugo hasnt caused any trouble" he said dozzing off to find papers and he went over them to check for bakugo's name "nope, bakugo has not threatened someone yet"

"well im here to talk about todoroki shoto"


"did he tell you anything about what happened"

"well, he and your son came to my office early morning and todoroki announced that he was kicked out with jazz hands. then bakugo, your son, explained that he stayed over for the weekend. hes at recovery girl's office, hes been there all day"

"you know about the abuse too?"

"it was assumed"

"do you know where he's going to stay?"

"not yet, i thought of letting him stay at mine until i find a solution"

"he can stay at mine shota"


"we both know how bad foster homes can be and im not going to let that poor kid into one, so he can stay with me until you find a solution"

"that would make the process easier, mitsuki you dont have to do this"

"i do, and you know better than anyone, let him stay, dont get him into a foster home."

"i should probably talk to endeavor, even if i dont want him going back there, maybe endeavor was having a moment and said stuff, we can just give him away when the man still has custody"


"even if he gives up custody, i wont get him in a foster home mitsuki, i just ask for you to be patient for at least a week from now, things like these are complicated."

"he can stay for as long as you need shota"

"thank you"

"youre a good teacher you know?"

"i hope so"

"15 year old you would be glad to know who youve become"

"it means a lot"

"ill go and find katsuki and shoto, ill stay in contact, dont be shy to drop by again from time to time"

"does bakugo know?"

"no, not yet. it would be a fun story to tell"

"it would"

"ill see you around shota"

mitsuki makes her way out of the classroom and takes a couple steps befors stopping a student asking about the nurses office, which they were glad to lead her to.

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