bloody bird claw on a nightstand

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"SHOTO, OH DEAR GOD" mitsuki runs towards shoto embracing him tightly . shoto could feel the shake in her fingers as she wrapped them around is arms. "im so sorry, im so sorry dear god oh my god are you okay im so sorry"

"hey hey im fine" shoto to his turn starts patting her back placing his chin on her shoulder "it takes a bit more to scare me off kay? im good dont worry"

midorya and iida were sat down on their beds looking at the odd scene before them as masaru went in for a hug to his turn. midorya averts his gaze towards aizawa, who was leaning on the doorframe, his posture crooked and two fingers rested on his chin, and looks at him questioningly. 

aizawa, to his turn, sends a reassuring nod towards the greenette hoping he would understand that questions were for later.

shoto lets go, a grin drawn on his face as he looks at his friends staring back at him, a little shocked, a little weirded out probably. why was shoto hugging Bakugo's parents? why were they here in the first place? since when was this a thing?

shoto laughs.

aizawa has heard that laugh a hundred times probably, but never has he deemed it to be genuine. shoto never laughed at happy things. never laughed about something kaminari spouted out in class, or a funny joke in a movie they watched. shoto has only laughed at things that are seen as disturbing, just like how he laughed while he explained that he almost got raped, or the time where he told aizawa he got kicked out because his father suspected him to be homosexual. 

and aizawa detects it. he hears the pain in that laugh, the suppressing of probably a thousand colliding emotions. he can see the sadness in is eyes he can see how his jaw tightens or his lip quivers for a couple of seconds. he can see how he grits his teeth and clenches his fists. 

shoto never laughs. 

never in a genuine way. 

"ive been living with them for a while" he blurts out acting like its not a big thing or something shocking. "its been three weeks i think" 

"WHAT?" midorya perks  up from his seat gaping at the other boy. "LIVING WITH THE BAKUGO'S? LIKE WITH KACCAAN?"

"yes, ive been living with kacchan, that's it, dont make it a big deal"

"excuse me but i believe it is  a big deal"

"i dont care iida"


"what? i mean it i dont care, its not something i want them to fuss over"


"oh my god" izuku, still shocked, placed his hands on his mouth


"you guys are just so close, its surprising really"

"whatever, jut dont get the word out"


shoto went back home that day, having yelled at hawks about how he was still able to get through the internship, an hawks having explained that he wasnt going to train someone who just got stabbed a couple times, mitsuki decided to drag shoto out of the hospital after finding no use in trying to come to terms with the boy.

just a week later he hears katsuki was going to come home a couple hours earlier and a wave of relief washes over him. it wasnt that he despised living there, or even disliked it even, but having only two people to annoy with one of them being greatly empathetic and the other seeming very stuck up after the situation back at the hospital, everyone was acting as if shoto was made out of glass.

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