im not pretty

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a sigh escapes from aizawa's mouth as he stood parallel to the big japanese style entrance reluctant of knocking, unable to function.

he had parted with shoto and the bakugo's a few hours ago and now he found himself in front of shoto's house of horrors.


he knocks.

aizawa's hand was shaking... but why? it wasnt like endeavor had ever threatened him or done anything to hurt him. but now he knew what he was capable of, how merciless that man could be.

he knocks a second time but this time a girl with white hair immediately opens the door.


was he at the wrong house?


"uh hi" he shuffles awkwardly "is this the todoroki household?"

"uh yes, how can i help you?"

"im uh im shoto's teacher i-"

"shoto? is he here with you?"

"no, i came to talk to endeavor, im guessing he's here?"

"ah yes, come in... aizawa.. right?"

"yes, thank you, i dont believe i know you"

"oh im fuyumi todoroki, his sister, come on in!"


"ugh" was the first thing endeavor said as aizawa entered his office "what are you doing here" was the second.

"im here to talk to you about shouto"

"that brat isnt here, go find him in a ditch or something"

"oh i know where that 'brat' is endeavor. i want to talk to you"

"fine" he mumbles "you get out" he tells fuyumi

"about shouto"

"is that fag bothering you?"

"you dont get to call him that you asshole, now fucking listen to me" aizawa says, his voice filled with anger "i know you kicked him out"

"so? that fag doesnt deserve this type of place"

"thats what i want to talk to you about. Endeavor, i know a lot of things, what you used to do, why and when. every single detail. none skipped. now, i have a proposal, you can either give up custody over him, or... i can accidentally leak some videos about you."

"ha, you think someone will believe you? theyre all brainwashed sheep waiting for someone to guide them, you think people actually care about mockery and jokes like that?"

"well, first of all these tapes are all shouto and gilliard with tsukauchi, and everyone knows you cant lie with gilliard present, and second, the tapes may not strip you off the hero shit you have going on but with those tapes people will certainly stop supporting you, and we both know what that means, you will be ranked lower than even top ten. you wouldnt be too fond of that do you? it would be a shame if you went back in the ranks after working so hard, wouldnt it? all im asking is for you to give up custody without any of it going public"

"no public involved?"

"maximum 20 people will find out and they will be professional and keep it to themselves, all you have to do is sign this and we'll be done"

"and who's going to adopt that piece of shit?"

"thats non of your concern, just sign the papers" aizawa smiles seeing endeavor sign the papers "see you next monday endeavor"

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