to the nurses office

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"oh hello there! how can i help you?" shoto and katsuki looked down to see recovery girl with a pleased smile on her face as she greeted them.

"he has shit he needs to heal"

"is that so? come on in and show me whatever needs healing, ill be right there"

shoto slides the curtain to the side and looks at bakugo as if to ask if he were to stay here and he earned a nod. he then started to remove his shirt slowly and very consiously knowing that a lot of questions would be asked and that now he was going to be looked at with pity eyes.

now he was sitting there, shirtless and he asked bakugo if he could help him remove the bandages as it was too painful to do it himself. shoto was glad he couldnt see himself or bakugo at this moment in time, a slight shake dwelling over his body as the breeze grazed through his woulds gently.

recovery girl was back and shoto wonders if he did anything wrong.

her eyes went dark.

her smile was no longer there.

he definately did something wrong.

his vision darkened a bit, he felt like he were to dissociate soon when a thump next to him grounded him back to the present. he looked to his side to see bakugo, "shes not mad at you idiot"


"i fucking said shes not mad at you stop looking like that"

"its my face bakugo"

"no its not"

"i cant really change my face you know"

"you know what"

"no actually i dont"

"die in a ditch"

"im hoping to do tha- oh hey again"

recovery girl came to his front once more with the right supplies and looked at him before she started. "who cleaned this up?"

"someones mom, and then i did"

"does it hurt?"

"take a wild guess"

"okay, im going to see if theres anything wrong before i activate my quirk"

"youre the boss"

she does. shoto found himself holding on to bakugos wrist with a tensed jaw and gritted teeth as recovery girl did whatever she had to do, it was painful and shoto hated every second of it. bakugo cringed, not at shoto or the cold sweat running down his face, and not at the way he felt his wrist about to implode, he cringed about the fact that all this was because of endeavor and endeavor only. that one dude, who was supposed to be the savior of many cause this much harm to one as oblivious and as clueless of a person like shoto.

endeavor had meant it to hurt, you could see from the depth of the wounds or the gradual elevation of it showing that his foot was swung before getting out, he saw the bruises the blues and purples and he saw the tears prick at the other's eyes painfully as recovery girl tried to make the healing process easier.

bakugo noticed the scars. the scar on his face wasnt a lone one, by the looks of it he had as many as midorya had freckles, and that boy had plenty, and to bakugo's opinion, 'ridiculously randomized and very unnatural looking to the point where its stupid"

it hurt.

to see him like this. to see shoto go through this much pain because if the person bakugo was most compared to all his life.

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