knowing whats real

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"endeavor" mitsuki's face shifts and hawks notices the way she clutched at the bands of her bag. her eyebrows furrowed painfully but she kept on glaring. he kicked out her boy, hurt her boy, made her boy flinch.

she hated the person that hurt shoto.

and that person was endeavor.

it had been a few hours since shoto and his friends were admitted to the hospital and hawks made sure to keep people out. he didnt even know if shoto was awake or not and he didnt want the first thing he sees to be endeavor.

"who are you?"

"its not any of your concern" she answers bitterly "what is he doing here?" now her eyes were locked on hawks refusing to meet the other's in protest.

"hes my son i can see him as i like"

"you-" mitsuki starts but quickly stops when a hand grips on her elbow. she shifts her gaze to see her husband looking at her with a warning look mitsuki wasnt used to seeing. she stops and looks at her feet.

"hello enji" masaru says with a smile "if youll excuse me" hakws gestures to the room shoto was installed in and turns his gaze to the antihero.

it had been a while since he had seen that man. masaru had never told anyone why he was actually fired, what resulted to him being kicked out so suddenly except for him and endeavor.

shoto doesnt know masaru knows.

masaru hasnt told shoto about the day he came early and peaked into his room. masaru hasnt told shoto about the day he saw endeavor draped over a twelve year old boy. he hasnt told shoto he heard the yells and cries todoroki had let out painfully, and he hasnt told shoto about how mischevious enji's smile looked.

he hasnt told shoto about the day he saw someone who was supposed to be both a father and a hero force himself  onto his child.

that day masaru saw shoto get raped.

that day he ran. but he was too late. because as soon as he ran he noticed eyes pierced to the back of his neck. endeavor had seen him. and now masaru had to run faster.

masaru opens the door and sees shoto sitting up with bandages wrapped around his stomach and chest with an IV poking out if his forearm, laughing. so innocent and gentle, so unnerved of what was happening. he was laughing while telling a story to two of his friends, who both were bandaged and bruised just like shoto.

"yeah and midorya was freaking out and im- oh hey!" shoto perks up seeing masaru at the door.

"hey shoto, hawks called, hello izuku and im guessing iida?"

"ah yes, that is i"

"oh hello" midorya's mouth gaped slightly at the interraction between he and shoto. "what are you doing here?" he asks kindly.

shoto perks up before masaru can answer or say anything in response to the kid "IS MITSUKI OUTSIDE?"

"ah yes she'll be here in a few, probably talking to hawks" masaru was now seated on the bed next to shoto.

"apologies if i am intruding but arent you bakugo's father?"

"yes thats me" masaru answers sharing a glance with the bicolor haired kid. he didnt want to say something wrong, he didbt want to out shoto.

"i apologise if this is rude but... why are you here? bakugo isnt in the premises and is actually pretty far from here?"

"im uh- im-"

"hes here for me you idiots, im going out" the boy gets up from his bed and walks towards the door ignoring masaru's pathetic try to stop him thinking it was for health reasons.

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