dinner cries and cheerleading squads

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the family sat there and ate their dinner with a few occasional jokes here and there, talks about school studies and what not. just like a regular family.

shoto had never had such a dinner. a dinner where the people within were allowed to talk or laugh or do anything other than eating. never had he experienced the joy of having a dog look at you and your food sitting on between your legs looking at you with those puppy round eyes until you gave in.

he rarely ate with people. shoto had always been excluded from family dinners and had been forced to eat alone after the family was done eating in order to maintain stoic and rockhard expressions with no distractions that could potentially ruin it.

as he ate and laughed and talked, his eyes suddenly felt glassy. it had been years since he felt that twist in his stomach or the tear forming in his eyes. it had been years since he felt anything really.

he looks down in hopes that no one would see the lone tear roll down his cheek but not everyone could hit jackpot two times in a row, because as he lifted his arm to wipe it he was stopped by mitsuki and another tear rolled down.

this time it was because of the way she looked at him. with care and affection. he never had that type of look growing up. his mother's was forced and didnt look as genuine as it did now.

he lifted both his arms wiping off the watered path from his cheeks, trying to rub off the pain and heartache he felt at that moment. voices seemed far but he could hear them through the muffled tones.

it was the mom again.

she was asking something.

she was asking if hes okay.

there was also cursing.

it was bakugo.

he seemed to get up to fetch something shoto was unsure of the object mentioned but he knew he wasnt in the room. he also felt paws on his knees scratching at his joints and a face next to his. it was olly. 

he had his hands gripping at his half and half hair, his head low and his features barely visible by now.

why did he cry crying?

shoto didnt know.

maybe it dawned on him how much he had lost and how much went over his head. how much he had missed out on and all the joy he could have felt.

if only he wasnt endeavor's kid.

he felt two gentle hands cup his face.

he stopped.

no one was in the room now except for mitsuki. shoto noticed the cup of water put in front of him and he figured it was bakugo who put it there. the dog was gone so was the dad and so was his son.

"hey its okay, look at me." a gentle voice. shoto couldnt see, for some reason his vision was dark and scattered painfully blinding him.

"fuck im sorry"

"its okay" she still had her hands on his face the physical touch grounding shoto he didnt nudge it off. "what happened?"

"im not sure"

"do you feel any better?"

"you could say that" he answers. but he didnt. he felt like shit.

"tell me shoto"

"i dont think i have anything to say"

"are you sure?"

"yeah" it comes out as a whisper. he hated how weak he sounded, how frail, how broken.

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