a blast in the past

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"so how'd you do" shinsou asks as they walk to the car

"does it look likeni did well" shoto asks bags under his eyes

"you look like you got hit by a truck"

"it would have been preferable"

"oh come on it cant be that bad"

"my brain decided to stop being able to read in the middle of the second exam"


"yeah as it turns out old concussions still have effect on your brain"

"thats fucked up"

"yeah i left half if the questionair empty"

"and are you gonna talk to aizawa about it?"

"course not he'll make a big deal out of it i dont want that, its not like mitsuki's gonna do shit if i fail"

"probably not" shinsou looks at shoto "did you talk to bakugo?"

"yeah he got me lunch and breakfast" 

"wow, he would make a great mother"

"tell me about it, he yelled at me because i left out the brocolli"

"how dare you not eat your veggies, you monster"

"ah yes, this is the beginning if my villain arc"

"yoow hello listeners how did the exams go"



they both say at the same time, both sarcastically and both as bored and neutral as one can be

"great!" he says not having noticed their obvious comment "wheres shota?"

"oh he was right behind us but midnight wanted to have a word with him"


"hey sorry im late, i had to talk to midnight"

"its fine babe how was your day"

"great" he says sarcastically "have to go to the station, but hitoshi and you can go back home"

"so the interview is today?"

"the what now?" shoto brings his head to the middle of their seats and looks at aizawa

"meeting with tsukauchi"

"shit that was today"

"seems like it"


"hello todoroki, how are you doing today?"

"im good"

"would you follow me to the next room?"


"want me to be there?" aizawa whispers to the boy earning a shake of the head.

"ill be fine"

"okay ill be right here"



"so" the detective takes a seat and shoto notices the buff man standing behind him, "this is gilliard he has a truth quirk and would be able to detect lies, even the smallest white ones, are you ready?"


"you need to start from the beginning if thats okay"

"uh, i was born"

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