jumpscares and cigarettes

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shoto forgot how to exist, or that he even existed. he forgot the moment he left the school or when he got in the car. he forgot how he managed to get out of the car or when he said hi to masaru and olly. but he somehow founf himself in his own bed, head rested on the pillow, ready to sleep.

he sighed. his eyes felt like they weighed a ton but closing them made it painful feeling like he forced them shut. he was tired and exhausted but his eyes wouldnt close no matter how much he wanted them to.

shoto was lying on the bed, painfully awake when he realized. shoto realized that he was stuck in this endless bubble of pain and misfortune, that everything he touched or did was bound to perish and turn rotten.

the room suddenly got smaller. he could hear the walls the racket downstairs, he cound hear every strand of hair against them pillow, he could feel his skin and his bones and muscles. he could feel every wrinkle in the bed and every bump from the springs holding his mattress.

overstimulation got the best of him.

frustrated, he quickly sprang up from.his position, becauze as much as he was tired he didnt think that he could handle the sound of anouther hair grazing his pillow. he flapped his hands shutting his eyes tight his hearing filled with the sound of everything around him.

not being able to handle it, he stood up and paced around the room trying to keep the voices down. but unfortunately for him, luck wasnt on his side because as soon as he looks down to his bed again he collapses and loses every ounce of consiousness he thought he had

the next time he opened his eyes it was close to sunset. his head felt like it had been cracked open his legs wiggly and his eyes twitchy, he thought of the people downstairs. they were probably worried. he hadnt gone out of the room eversince the came he should probably go down.

but he was too dizzy to do that


he was going to go down and ait with them because it was the least he could do.

he opens the bedroom door making his way to the top of the stairs holding onto the railing for dear life as he slowly made his way to the bottom. as he slowly placed a foot on the wooden stairs he stared at the pictires alligned on the wall.

they were pictures of bakugo showing off his quirk or a fish he caught, some pictures of pregnant mitsuki and masaru looking at the sea happily, some were with bakugo and midorya playing together and so forth.

every step had a story every inch of the wall had some type of memory. a fuzzy effect. a nostalgic embezzlement that only made shoto realize how much he had missed out on. all the family trips, sibling quarells, sneaking around the house and stealing food from the fridge to watch something.

he missed out on friendly parental fighting and teasing, embarrasing picture taking. he missed out on the teenage hormonal angst moments he was supposed to have for a few years. he felt like he constantly lived in a teenage hormonal angst movie but said movie didnt seem to have an end.

as he arrived downstairs he spotted mitsuki looking right at him, she smiled as he placed a finger on his mouth asking her to not make his arrival noticed.

second to her was masaru who had noticed mitsuki perk up all of a sudden and thought olly had done something moderately cute so he too, looked at the spot she looked at to see shoto standing there walking slowly towards them. he smiles. shoto smiles back.

the boy slowly walks towards bakugo, his amusement very obvious, excited to do whatever he was about to do. he reaches down to bakugos shoulder his chin close to his ear and he realised that the other hadnt noticed his presence so he did the only thing he thought of doing.

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