still like no one

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Some people know you better than no one ..

How is that possible , you still know me like back of your hand

its been a week , tae is back . Jungkook gives his most of the time with tae , also look at jimin at same time .  Tae is happy but his heart was missing something.  Sometimes , he asked himself "Why i am  still empty ?"

At breakfast .....

A maid served many types of dishes.   Everyone was eating whatever they like...  Everyone was minding their business.  Jimin looked at delicious  toast , he saw jin eating one earlier , its looked like its have melted chocolate inside .. Being a chocolate lover  jimin picked a one and he was about just take a bite .. "Yahh , dont eat that " tae yelled at jimin . Jimin stop .  "Why the hell you are eating that jimin? " Tae scold jimin , he was sitting infront jimin  .. "It's have chocolate inside " jimin answer innocently . Tae sigh .. "idiot , its have peanut butter inside . You will have allergies again.  Also not going mention about that rashes on your- " "Ahhh .. stop it tae " this time jimin yelled at tae .. "I am not eating ok .. also dont need to mention that " tae just show his tongue . Seeing that jimin gasp and complain "Joon hyung , did you saw what tae did ?"  "Cry baby jimin , you deserve that " tae again show his tongue...  Jimin smirk "Guys , do you know , once upon a time a boy peed in- " "ahh .. bla bla bla , yeeh yeeh bo bo bo " tae was making different sounds to stop jimin " tae stop making sounds.  Let me tell them the funny story " tae shook his head as no "Just eat " jimin smirks got bigger "say sorry " tae glare at him "ok dont .. he peed on " "SORRY "  jimin laughed loudly "You pabo , Wait for my turn " jimin just gave him a flying kiss . "Share that with me" jimin demand "why though ?" "That was the last pancake  ." Tae smirks this time "minnie take mine " jin offer , but jimin shake his head as no "i want his " tae smirks got bigger . He knows that jimin hate to eat  others half expect for tae "2 donuts " jimin gasp "You saw that ?" Tae nods proudly "No , that mine . Its hard to get them " "ok so share " "half " "one " " you demanding baby one and half " "still the same ok deal " tae gave his half pancakes to jimin who eats that happily.  "Maria get that donuts out " jimin yells ..
Soon a box arrived "here one and half " tae looked him betrayed "after all of this , all of this yelling , saving your butt from rashes , feeding you my half pancakes you give me one and half donuts , make you heart bigger jimin " jimin ignore everything tae said and just eats like nothing happened.  Tae dramatically sigh and took a bite "here have some poor man " jimin gave him one more " Mr . Rich i am starving for 3 weeks , one is not enough " jimin dramatically gasp  "three weeks .. here have some more giving the box " tae grab the box and slowly get up from the chair  and started to walked towards his room which is in downstairs . "Thief give me my donuts back" jimin also get up slowly and walked towards tae's room.  He was about to enter when he was tae's and jungkook's picture .. he stop and went to his room , his smile vanished.  Seeing jimin not coming tae about to look for him he saw jungkook's picture ... His smile also vanished .. he just kept the box on a table ..

Expect jimin and tae ... Everyone was still in shocked .. how both forgot about everything , and become friends like they were before .  Namjoon almost have tears seeing everything , which used happened .. but now namjoon was feeling guilty thinking about the past .. so did Jungkook .

Yoongi and tae was having some doctor talk in garden , jimin happened to went there .. seeing them he was going back ..but yoongi stop him no before tae signal him "jimin sit .." jimin nods and sit "How many months you are jimin? " "7 and half "  " almost same as tae .. he is 7 and 2 weeks"   yoongi was talking .. with jimin and tae both were answering .. soon its turn out a question answer session ....

The sunset ... Three of them were going back , tae always loves to pluck leafs .. he stop and about to pluck one when a hand slap in hands.   "Still have that bad habit , eomma and i always told you no to that . How many times i have to tell you , tree is the mother of the leaves and after sunset they sleep and its bad to pluck a leaf  after sunset . " Tae looked down and pout like a kid "sorry " jimin smile "ok lets go " tae nods.   They started to go inside , yoongi was following .. he couldn't believe how  both souls who knows eachother so well gets against eachother .. almost like they are fighting against themselves .. there souls are crying for them but they have too much anger and ego , betrayal in side them that they couldn't see the smile they put on their face.. maybe , jungkook is drugs for them , they know its bad for health but still cant get over it ..

1. Back vmin together

2. Only vkook

3 . Only jikook

4. Just go with flow

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