Meeting Mr. Stark

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The kid named Peter Parker's life never has been east. First their parents died then they were bitten by a spider, their uncle Ben died then they became Spidey (or Spiderman as the public called him) but one of the most strange things to happen to them was when they walked into their home and saw their aunt talking to one and only Tony Stark.

"Mr parker its great to meet you."

Peter ignored the wrong pronoun and didn't say anything.

"Mr Stark what are you doing here?"

"You have been getting e-mails about our internship program haven't you?"


"You never told me you applied." Aunt May said with a smile.

"Well, I know how much you like surprises so I thought I would surprises you if I..."

"Ms. Parker can I have 5 minutes alone with him?"

May and Parker mumbled 'them' under their breath but only they heard it


"Mr. Stark I definitely didn't apply for an internship"

Well they had looked trough the application forms and the only gender options were male and female so they didn't apply.

"No, me first." He took out his phone and showed them a video of them stopping a car chase. "This is you, right?"


"Nice catch. Stopping a speeding car like that. That's not easy."

"That is on YouTube it's probably fake."

As they turned around they saw Tony opening the attic with a baseball bat. They ran grabbed the suit and threw it in to the closet.

"So you are spiderling, crime fighting spider, spiderboy?

"Most call me Spiderman but I prefer spidey."

"Not in that onsie."

"Its not a onsie."

"Does anyone know, your aunt maybe?"

Parker shook their head "If she knew would freak out."

"Do you know what I find really interesting who made that web fluid?" He asked as a bottle of web fluid flew toward their head.

"I did."

Stark looked trough their goggles "Lordy can you even see in these "

"Yes I can." Parker snatched suit again put it into the closet. "When whatever happened my senses dialed up to eleven."

"You are in dire need of an upgrade."

"Why are you doing this? What's your MO? What gets you out of that twin bed in the morning?"

"I've been me my whole life and I got these powers six months ago, I read books I build computers and yeah I would love to play football but I couldn't then I shouldn't now."

There was a moment of silence then Peter continued "When you can do the things that I can but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because of you."

"So you wanna look ou for the little guy, you want to do your part, make the world better place on that, right?"

"Yeah just looking after the little guy that's what it is."

"You got a passport?"

"No I don't even have a driver license because they refuse to change my gender and put the correct one so they don't exist in my eyes."

He raised his brow "Change your gender?"

"I am non-binary I use they/them pronouns"

"And you didn't tell me I have been misgendering you this whole time and using the wrong pronouns this entire time."

"A lot of people do that. Its fine."

"Shouldn't be. Back to the original topic, ever been to Germany?"


"Great you are gonna love it."

"I can't go to Germany."


"I got ........ homework"

"I am going to pretend you didn't say that."

"I am serious."

"This might be a little dangerous better tell that hot aunt of yours that I am taking you on a field trip."

Tony was about to open the door when they webbed his hand to stop him "don't tell aunt may."

"Alright spidey now get me out of this."

Yeah I will get the..."


That night Pepper walked in on Tony screaming "I don't care about your homophobic boss want that kid have a pasaport with their gender on."

She didn't know what was happening but she walked out without asking.



I will try to post regurally but I dont promise anything. Hope you like it ;()

Non-binary Spidey OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang