Meeting the Avengers

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"Mr. Stark are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Park."

"What if they are mad about the whole airport thing?"

"Kid, calm down. You will be fine."

Tony put his arm on their shoulder to calm them down as the elevator opened.

The infamous Avengers were sitting around in civilian clothes. Clint, Wanda, Scott and Sam were playing MarioKart. Natasha was sitting and looking at her phone in a hoodie that definitely wasn't hers. Vision, Bruce and Dr. Strange seem to be talking about medical shit. Steve and Bucky were cuddling on a couch reading a book. Thor was in the kitchen eating a pop tart.

When the elevator opened they all looked at them. Clint was the first to speak:

"Tony you do know that there is a child behind you?"

"Yes, Clint I know. Guys I want you to meet my personal intern Parker."

Hi, I am Parker. I use they/them pronouns."

Everyone nodded except for Bucky and Steve who asked "What is that?"

There were shouts of 'Not it' apparently Scott lost.

"Come on oldies I have to explain gender to you."

They left.

"What was that?"

"Well because the oldies missed a lot serving time as popsicles. We play not it to chose who is going to explain it to them."

There was a silence before Bruce talked.

"It is nice to meet you. I am Bruce Banner..."

"I know I have read all your books. My personal favorite is about the elementary practices. Sorry I am rambling."

"Wait, you understand my work. Even Tony got bored after 10 minutes."

While they were talking decided that it was a good idea to throw a pencil at Parker. They caught it without looking. Everyone was looking at them. They didn't notice until Clint spoke:

"How did h-they caught that?"

"I might have forgot to mention they are Spiderman or Spidey as they like to be called."

"They are the spider thing we fought at the airport. They look twelve."

"Mr. Falcon I am fifteen."

"Call me Sam and Threw you out of a fucking window. I am not mad at you I am mad at Tony. Tony you brought a fucking kid to a war."

"You brought Wanda. She is a kid too."

"I am technically I am an adult and this is different. I had experience and training. They are a kid."

"I know how to fight and I have the power to help people and I will. You can't stop me."

Bucky, Steve and Scott walked in.

"Whats wrong?"

"Well, buck remember the spider we fought at the airport. That's them."

"My punch got stopped by a kid."

"That's Queens."

"Hey, Brooklyn how you doing?"

"I dropped an airport terminal on you."

"It2s okay. You did what you had to besides I have super strength so it really wasn't that heavy."

"Now can we close this subject and eat I am hungry."

"You are al ways hungry Clint."

The rest of the night was fine. They ate dinner and talked.   

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