The Substititute

967 45 13

TW: Language, homophobic slurs

Parker's day had started out fine. Flash hadn't bothered them. They had stayed at the Tower for the weekend. It was all great until Parker Luck strikes again.

When Parker got to Mr. Harrington's class. He wasn't there. Instead of Mr. Harrington there was a middle aged woman sitting.

The lesson started just after Parker got there.

"Alright let's start out the lesson. My name is Ms. Karen. I will be substituting for Mr. Harrington. He left you some worksheets. You will be doing them. Be quiet. I don't want a sound."

She gave them the worksheets and sat at the desk looking at her phone. Nobody was doing the work except for Ned and Parker. The other was doing something without talking.

Some time later Ned had a question so he asked Parker. Ned whispered.

"Can you help me with this question?"

That's when Ms. Karen raised her head and shouted.

"Who talked? I told you not to talk."

She then saw Parker and Ned and walked towards them. She completely ignored Ned and started shouting at Parker.

"I told you to be quiet, young man. How dare you disturb the class, Mr?"

"Ms. Karen, my friend, asked a question about the worksheet. I was going to help him with it. And it's Mx. I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns."

"So your a faggot."

Parker was angry. That was the one thing they couldn't tolerate.

"Ms. Karen as a teacher you need to respect your student no matter what. That was a rude comment which you shouldn't have said. It was also discriminatory. This school has many anti-discrimination rules. So please shut the fuck up. And you probably didn't know but last time something like this happened I got the principal fired. Oh, and if you don't know, now you know Ms. Karen."

With that Parker got up and left the room. There was silence before Betty shouted.

"You got Parkered, bitch."

The whole class erupted in laughter.

– — — — — — —

Parker went to the new principal, Ms. Acker. She was a kind woman that Tony had chosen after the whole Ms. Morita thing. Ahe loved her students and if you messed with her students, you messed with her. And you don't want to mess with her.

Parker knocked on Ms. Acker's door.

"Come in."

Parker walked into the office.

"Ah, Mx. Parker. What can I do for you? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Well, Ms. Acker, You know the woman who is substituting for Mr. Harrington?"

"Yes, Ms. Karen."

"Turns out she actually is a Karen."

"Would you please explain a little more?"

"She gave us some worksheets which were for the wrong class if I might add. Then started looking at her phone. When my friend asked me a question about the worksheet. She started shouting at me. Called me young man. I corrected her and tried to explain the situation but she called me a faggot. Then I might have said some unkind things and walked out."

"I am gonna have a talk with this bitch. No one messes with my students."

Ms. Acker walked towards the classroom to see Ms. Karen shouting at students about being disrespectful.

"You disrespectful little shits.."

He sentence was cut short when Ms. Acker cleared her throat. Every student was smirking knowing what was about to happen.

"Ms. Karen, in this school we don't talk to students like that or misgender them or be a bitch. Now leave my fucking school or you will be escorted out."

Ms. Acker said in a sickly sweet voice.

"You can't kick me out. Don't you know who I am. This is all your fault you little shit."

"Ms. Karen was about to attack Parker when security came and held her back. She was dragged out of the premises and banned from school.

"Sorry, kids. I knew I shouldn't have hired someone named Karen."

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