History Project

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Parker's history teacher had given them a project on the Howling Commandos so they decided to ask Steve and Bucky for help. Parker gave his work to their teacher.

The next day the teacher asked Parker to stay after class.

"Parker, I asked you to write a report not fanfiction. I am sorry but I have to give you a D- to you for this."

"What? Mrs, the information is correct. If you want I can get you the source tomorrow."

"Alright but it better be good."

Parker left the class room. They caught up with Ned and MJ.

"What did she want Park?"

"She thought my report was a fanfic."

"Didn't you ask Steve and Bucky though?"

"I did."

Ned and Mj started laughing. They stopped when they saw Parker pouting.

"Park, it's kinda funny."

"Guys it's not so funny when you are getting a D- for it. I have to go. Happy will kill me if he waits more."

Parker walked towards the car. The ride was silent which was surprising because normally Parker did not stop talking. When they arrived at the Tower Parker went to find Steve and Bucky instead of going to Tony's lab. Parker found them in the gym.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Parker. What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in Tony's lab?"

"Yeah but I have to ask you something. Would you be willing to come to my school to prove that the report I wrote about you guys wrote a fanfic?"

"The report you asked us about?"

"Yes. My teacher thinks it's a fanfic."

"What's a fanfic?"

"It... I am not comfortable explaining Captain America what fanfiction is. Bucky can explain it to you. Now will you come?"

"Yeah sure. It would be fun."

The next day Parker went to school with the super soldiers. Parker told them to wait at the entrance while they got their history teacher.

"Mrs, Smith. I brought my source. I can take you to them."

"Sure, Mx. Parker."

Parker walked her over to the entrance where Bucky and Steve were waiting.

"Mrs. These are my sources: Bucky and Steve. Guys this is my history teacher Mrs. Smith."

"Holy shit."

"Language, Mrs."

"Sorry, you are Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Well, Mx. Parker I say your sources are accurate but the history books are not."

Steve laughed. "Tell me about it. Like they erased every part that was good. Like the fact that I got one of the first top surgeries in America. Thats better than me killing some Nazis."

Mrs. Smith looked shocked that the Captain fucking America was trans.

"Well if you don't mind I think it would be great to have you in a lesson. Making it more historically accurate?"

"I would love to."

That's how it started. Now Steve is going around America making sure people know his true story, not the white washed version of it.

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