Deaf Parker (Part 1)

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Parker was born deaf. They didn't like people knowing so they got good at hiding it. they would always wear headphones so people assumed that he couldn't hear them because of the music. But the truth was it was so they could turn around and read the lips of the person they were talking to.

Parker didn't like wearing their hearing aids. Everyone at school after Flash found out told everyone. May, Ned and MJ had learned sign language so they could easily talk with them.

The only place Parker wore their aides were at the Tower. Parker didn't want the team to think of them as weak or pity them. So they hid it.

Their hearing aids were small so he could hide the aids easily but to Parker's luck Flash had decided that it was a good idea to break them just before Parker went to the Tower for the weekend.

Parker stumbled over to Happy's car. Their aids were still working but it wasn't great.

"Hey, Happy. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

Parker didn't say anything else. They could hardly understand what Happy had said so they gave up. The drive to the Tower was silent.

"Thanks for the ride Happy." Parker shouted as they got out of the car and went to Tony's lab. Parker had taken off their hearing aids halfway through the ride because the broken edges had hurt their ears.

Parker saw Tony working under one of his cars. Parker could feel that Tony was talking to them but they couldn't read his lips from underneath the car.Parker could feel their anxiety rising.

Tony was playing with one of his cars when FRIDAY alerted him that Parker had entered the building. Tony heard the door to his lab open.

"Hey Park.The cars need a bit of a makeover. Wanna help?"

Tony didn't hear Parker reply. He got out of the car and looked at Parker. Their eyes were fixated at Tony. Tony could see that their hands were shaking.

"Parker, kid. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just zoned out for a second."

They both knew that was a lie but Tony didn't comment on it.

"What were you saying?"

"I said if you wanted to work on the cars."

"Not today. I am kinda tired. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to watch a movie with me?"

"Yeah, it sounds good and I think Pep will lock me out of my lab if I spend a little more time here."

Parker laughed but they knew Tony wasn't kidding. It has happened multiple times.

"Don't laugh kid."

They walked to the living where there was a really large TV. The other Avengers were sitting on the couches or on the floor. Parker sat next to Natasha who was sitting on one of the loveseats alone. Parker cuddled close to her.

Tony opened some movie but Parker wasn't really paying attention to it. They didn't even know what movie was playing. In Parker's hand were their hearing aids which they were trying to fix. Nobody other than Clint and Natasha seemed to understand what it was.

"Clint was on the floor in front of them and saw the aids. He had ones similar to it. He could also see that the aids were broken. So he decided to try something.

'Park, you need help fixing them.' he signed at them.

Parker looked surprised when They saw that Clint was signing to them but quickly got over it.

'I know how to do it. I just don't have the tools for it.'

'Come with me. I have some.'

Parker got up and followed Clint out of the living room. Clint took them to his room. There was a small desk which was mostly pictures. But there was a small tool box on the desk. Parker knew what it was. It was a repair kit. Clint saw that Parker had seen the box and was asking for his permission.

'Go for it.' he signed.


Then Parker sat on the desk and started fixing their aids. Clint was watching them work on it. He never could do it. Normally Natasha or Tony fixed his. After fifteen minutes Parker finished. They placed them in their ears. Parker let out a sigh.

"Does anyone know?"

"Not really. But I think Nat knows."

"She knows everything. I won't tell anyone but it's better if you tell them soon."

"Yeah I know."

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