The Rouges (Part 2)

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Things were tense at the Tower since the Rouges arrived. Tony was on edge. Parker was avoiding the rouges as much as they can.

Parker was on patrol when they got shot. They were stopping a mugging when the man pulled out a gun and tried to shoot the woman. Of course Parker being the hero they are jumped in front of the woman. The shot went trough his stomach.

Parker got up and started to swing to the Tower.

"Karen, make FRI open a window at the MedBay. I am coming in hot."


Steve and Bucky were snuggled on the couch watching a movie when they heard the alarms. It was the MedBay's alarm which meant someone was coming in hot. But there wasn't anyone near the Tower. All of the Avengers were on missions. They weren't likely to come before tomorrow.

Bucky and Steve ran to the MedBay to see the staff waiting ready. Two of the nurses were near the open window looking ready to catch something. What they weren't excepting was the spider to stumble inside with a bullet wound on his stomach.

That wasn't the most surprising part. The most surprising part was that what that arachnid took off his mask. The face of Parker was seen. The super soldiers weren't excepting that. The shy and anxious intern of Tony Stark was Spidey. Bucky and Steve stared wide eyed at the teen.That was until Helen noticed them. She ordered some of the nurses the close the curtains.

Steve and Bucky was left wide eyed looking at the each other.

"Holy shit."


"Dont languge me, Steve. I hurt the kid. But damn that kid is strong. They caught one of my punches."

"I dropped an airport terminal on them. I could have crushed them."


Tony was fighting some HYDRA agents when he received a call from Helen.

"Hey, Tony. Parker shot."

"Parker what? Is he okay?"

"Yeah they are fine. But we have a bigger problem. Bucky and Steve may have seen them."

"Seen them how?"

"Like without the mask on."

"Fuck. Dont let them into the MedBay unless they are dying. Make sure Parker gets some rest. Sedate them if you have to. I will com as soon as I can"

"Ok, Tony. See you in a few."

I took Tony and the others fifteen minutes to clean up the base. Tony left his team to fly in the quinjet. He flew back to the Tower as fast as he could. When he arrived at the MedBay Bucky and Save was waiting in front of the room. Helen had looked them out.

"FRI, open the door for me will you?"

"No, Stark you aren't going anywhere."

"Why is that?"

"You brought a kid to a battle. They are 16."

"You brought Wanda. And last time Ic checked I didn't need your approval. Now if you will excuse me I have to check on Parker. Dont even think of going near them."

"This talk isn't finished."

"Yes, it is. And if you tell anyone who they are I will kill you."


Parker was laying on the bed the nurses gave them. They were panicking someone had learned their identity. What if they told someone?

Just as he was thinking Tony walked in.

"Hey kid. Dont worry they won't tell anyone. If they do we can kill then together. I am sure MJ would love to join."

"Thanks Mr. Stark."

"What did I tell you call me Tony."

"Sorry, Mr. S-Tony."

"Now that's better. And what did I tell you about getting shot."

"Not to."

"What did you do?"

"Get shot."

"You worried me kid don't do that again and we are going to have a talk about disabling your tracker again."

"Sorry. How did you find out?"

"You do realize the moment you are hurt Karen alerts FRIDAY and she alerts me. And sends me your location."

"Wait, Karen is a snitch. Karen you here?"

"Yes, Parker."

"Have you ever heard of the term snitches end up in ditches?"

"I am not a snitch I didn't tell him about the times you went out on patrol past at 4 a.m. and met up-"

"Okay Karen thats enough. You are not a snitch."

"Met up with who?"

"No one Mr. Stark."

He send Parker a suspicious look. But he didn't really care it wasn't his business as long as they didn't get hurt.

"Hey, kid. Let's watch a movie. You okay with watching Star Trek?"

"Hell yeah."

"Dont let Capisicle hear that."

Parker and Tony watched movies until Parker fell asleep.


Tony got up and left to talk with Steve and Bucky. He found them at the common area.

"Rogers. We can talk now if you want to."

"Tony, what the hell were you think? Bringing a minor in to that."

"I was thinking that Parker could take care of themself."

"Did you even ask their parents?"

"Jokes on you they are dead. Their aunt doesn't know about them being Spidey. It's not my place to tell her. It's between them."

"Just be careful. They are just a kid."

"Steve, I know the responsibility I am taking. You think I want to go tell May that Parker is dead? That they died saving someone and I couldn't stop it? No but there is no stopping them. Believe me I tried. I took away the suit. Parker went after the Vulture anyway and got themself nearly killed. I may not like that Parker is risking their life every day but if I tried to stop it would only make things worse. So keep your nose out of this. If you tell a soul the kids identity I will kill you."

"I wont tell anyone. Just make sure that they are safe."

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