
706 29 1

TW: Su!cide

Everyone Parker cared about was gone.

Their parents gone. Plane crash.

Uncle Ben gone. Shot.

Aunt May gone. Cancer.

Gwen gone. The Green Goblin.

Harry hated them.

MJ and Ned gone. Left to live their lives.

Parker was all alone and they couldn't take it anymore.

They hated the slurs people shouted at them.

They hated the looks of pity.

But most importantly they hated themselfs.

They hated how they looked.

Hated their powers.

Hated Peter Parker.

There was nothing to stop them now.

No one to catch them fall.

No one to wipe the tears that are falling.

They only saw one way out. Down.

"I'm sorry." Parker whispered before they jumped.

The next they New York cried for their hero.

They cried for the 20 years old behind the mask.

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