Dr. Strange

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Parker was limping towards the NY Sanctum. They normally would have gone to the Tower but it was too far away. Tony always said "If you can't reach the Tower. Go to the Sanctum. Steph knows what to do." That's exactly what was happening.

When Parker arrived at the Sanctum they were about to pass out from their injuries. three bullet holes and a stab wound. They were trying to stop a bank robbery but didn't realize that the robbers had backup.

Parker slowly knocked on the door. The door was opened by Stephen Strange wearing pajamas and his cape.

"Hey, Dr. Sorry for waking you up. Think you could help me out?"

After that Parker passed out.

When Parker woke up on an unfamiliar couch, they got up and started walking around. They found Dr. Strange in what looked like a library with weird books. Stephen in the middle of all of it floating while reading.


"How are you feeling?"

"I am good. Thanks. I should probably go home."

"Tony wants you at the Tower. I was already going to visit today so I will take you. And I don't want you to mess my stitches while slinging."

Then Stephen opened a portal to the kitchen of the Tower. Only Tony was sitting there which was surprising. Clint spent half his time eating.

"Hey, Mr. Stark."

"Kid, please call me Tony and stop getting hurt."

"Not my fault people keep trying."

Tony rolled his eyes and walked over to Stephen and kissed him.

"Hey Steph."


"Park, please calm down."

"Tony I can't believe that you didn't tell me you were dating Dr. Strange. You guys are cute. I ship it."

"Park!" Tony said in a 'I am so done with you' tone.

"Sorry, but I can't believe that you didn't tell me. I am so happy for you. ANd angry at you for not telling me."

"Sorry, kid. We agreed that we would keep it a secret as long as we can."

"Kay. Now tell me everything."

Rest of the night was just gossip.

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