Morgan Stark

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After the war Parker was heartbroken. They couldn't seem to stop crying. Tony was their father figure. They had closed themself in their room in the lake house. Pepper had asked them to stay. She thought that it would be good for them.

Parker was glad Pepper had asked them to stay but it was hard. All he could see was Tony. They hadn't talked to Morgan. Parker was afraid that they might say the wrong thing or she might think they are a freak or something

After a while Parker started to come out more but they avoided Morgan like a plague. Ned and MJ had tried to get them to talk to her but he wasn't convinced

Until one day Pepper went away for a meeting and Parker and Morgan were home alone. Parker tried to talk to her as little as possible but they could see Morgan was upset about something.

"Morgan, are you okay?"

"No, why wont you talk to me?"

Parker didn't know what to say.

"Dad said that you were like his kid and you would be my brother."

"Not brother, sibling."


Parker didn't know what to do. How could they explain a six year old what nonbinary was. They couldn't explain it to adults. But they wanted to explain it so they tried.

"So you know how there are girls and boys. Those are called genders but they aren't just boys and girls. There is also genders like agender and nonbinary. I am nonbinary."


"It is very cool. So I use gender neutral words. You know what that is?"

"No, what is it?"

"Well you called me brother, that is a term used for boys, sibling is for girls and sibling is for people like me."

"Ok so you are my sibling."


Parker couldn't help but smile. A six year old was more accepting than most of his teachers.

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