Meeting the Parents (Part 1)

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Parker and Wade had been dating for the last two months. Wade had really helped Parker. They were in a bad place when they started dating. May had just died and Parker was adopted by Tony Stark and Stephen Strange.

Parker was sitting on the couch texting with Wade when Tony came in.

"Who are you texting, kid?"

"No one."

"Yeah, I am not an idiot, Park. Who's the lucky person?"

"What? No, I am not dating anyone."

"Parker, you can't fool me."

"Fine. I may have a boyfriend."

"Who is it? No, don't tell me to bring him over for dinner. Tomorrow night."

"What? No."

"Then I will find who he is."

"Okay. I will talk to him."

That night after patrol Parker met up with Wade at their usual spot. Wade was already there sitting on the roof. He was arguing with someone. It was probably the boxes.

"Hey, Wade."

"Darling, how was your day?"

"It was okay. I need to talk to you about something."

"What's wrong Park?"

"Everything is fine. Except my dad wants to meet you."

"He would kill me."

"It's just a diner. You can wear your mask if you want and I will stand in front of you. He wouldn't shoot me."

"I will do it but I get to leave if I don't like it."

Parker smiled at him and kissed him on his cheek.

"Don't I get a proper kiss."

Parker laughed at his antics. Gave him a kiss.

"I have to go."

Parker met with Wade outside the Tower. Wade was wearing jeans and a hoodie. He looked nice. Parker was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Neither of them really cared for their appearances.

"You ready?"

"Hell no but let's do this."

They stepped into the Tower together. They had used the front gate so there was a security check. Happy nodded at Parker and let them pass.

"He is with me Hap."

Happy looked hesitant but let Wade pass anyway. Parker did not need a badge. FRIDAY scanned them.

"Hello, Parker. Your dads are waiting for you."

"Tell them I am coming."

Then it was Wade's turn to pass.

"Deadpool, you are not welcome here."

"Come on, FRI. I thought we were friends."

"He is with me, FRIDAY."

"Are you sure Parker?"

"Yes, FRI." 

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