The Field Trip

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I know that this is a clishe but I wanted to write it so here it is. Parker field trip to Stark Industries. ;() 

Today Midtown Tech was having a field trip to Stark Industries. There was a formal wear rule for the trip so Parker was wearing a dark green skirt, a white shirt, a black tie and a black jacket with black heels. When Parker got into class everyone was wearing suits and dresses. Parker sat next to MJ she was wearing a full black suit.

"You look great Park."

"Thanks, MJ. You look good too."

They continued talking about school until they were interrupted by Flash

"Look who decided to show his ugly face. You wanna be a girl because you dress like one."

"Just because you are afraid to look feminim Eugene doesn't mean you should insult people about it. I think its a problem about self confidence. Maybe you should talk to the guidance councilor about it."

"Penis Parker we will se if that internship is real."

Parker just ignored him and continued their conversation with MJ.


When the bus arrived at the tower Parker was relieved. Flash had spent all his time throwing paper pieces into their hair. They got in to the building their tour guide was Marie she was a nice and funny intern. Parker had worked with her before.

"Allright Midtown, please gather around. My name is Marie I will be your tour guide today. I will be giving everyone a badge with their name on it. Made it is visible at all times if you lose it there won't be reprints and you will be escorted out. We have strict no touching, smelling and licking anything without permission policy. And yes all of those have happened before."

Then she started reading names. Parker's name wasn't said but they weren't surprised. Parker knew Happy never would let them reprint a badge. Parker was taking their badge out of their bag when Flash had to ruin it.

"Miss, Pe-Parker didn't get one."

"Thats because they already have one. Parker is an intern here. You have your badge right?"

"Yeah, it's right here." Parker said as they clipped their badge onto their jacket.

"Now that that is solved every one pass trough the scanner please."

Marie passed first. "Marie Ackerman. Level 5. Intern. Limited access" said a robotic woman voice.

"Thats FRİDAY. She is Mr.Stark's AI. She runs everything in this building."

Flash being the as he is he pushed everyone and went first.

"Flash Tomphson. Level 1. Guest. Accompanied at all times."

Once every one passed Parker was the last one. Parker feared what FRIDAY would say because they knew that they had a level 10 badge. When they passed the words Parker dreaded were said by the AI

"Underoos. Level 10. Intern. Full access. Would you like me to inform boss that you have arrived?"

Parker wish nobody but to their luck their whole class heard and were looking at him.

"No,FRI. I am here on a field trip."

"As you wish, sir."

"How many times do I have to tell you call me Parker."

"Okay, Parker."

Marie silently chuckled and continued the tour. Until there was a question.

"Miss, what does different levels mean?"

"Thats a great question. Well there are ten levels. Level 1 and 2 are for the guests. Level 1 card is white and it is for tour groups and press. Level 2 card is blue and it is for regular visitors such as family and friends of the workers and government officials. Level 3 card is yellow. It is for regular staff such as security, cleaners and exc. Levels 4 and 5 these cards are green. They are for interns. The higher you rank is between the interns the higher level you get. Levels 6,7 and 8 are not he scientists. 6 their card is red. These cards are for the lower ranking scientist, a level 7 card is orange. It is for higher ranking scientist, 8 is for lab heads who are in charge of the labs. Their cards are purple. Levels 9 is for the avengers. Those cards are pink. I think Mr. Stark made them Pink to laugh at them. Level 10 cards are black. These cards are for Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, Happy our chief of security and Mr Stark's personal intern who happens to be in you class."

Everyone was looking at Parker.

"Can we just continue?"

With that Marie started walking and giving them a tour. It was finally lunch when Marie led the class to the cantina. Everyone grabbed some food and sat down on the tables. Ned, MJ and Parker were sitting and talking about school.

Parker got up and was putting their tray away when they felt someone pull their skirt up. He jumped from instinct and saw Flash. Everyone was laughing except from his friend. Parker started running for the elevator. They heard Marie shout at Flash. And saw Ned and MJ running after them as the elevator closed.

Parker made it to their desk at Tony lab and breaking down, sobbing.


Tony was coming back from the kitchen. Which was to get his thirteenth cup of coffee. When he got back to his lab he heard sobbing and saw Parker crying at their desk. Tony basically run to their t-desk and kneeled in front of them.

"Hey, Park what's wrong? Aren't you suppose to be in school? Not that I am angry your way too smart to be in high school."

Parker spoke between sobs.

"I ha-had school t-trip to he-here. We were at lu-lunch. When Fl-lash pu-pulled my skirt up-p. Everyone w-was laughing s-so I r-ran and came he-here. Be-fore that I he-heard Marie shout a-at Flash. "

Tony was mad. He had heard about this Flash kid before. But he put that aside and hugged Parker. Parker calm down after a few minutes. Now he was just sniffing.

"FRIDAY, tell Marie that Parker is with me. He will be staying. Then call May and tell her what happened. That Peter will be staying with me."

"Yes, sir."

"And order pizza."

"Of course, sir."

"Now Park we can watch Star Wars or we can work on your suit. Which do you want?"

"Can we watch Star Wars and eat pizza?"

"Okay, come on Park."

Tony helped them up and put his arm around their shoulder. When they got to common area nobody was there. They were probably training. Parker and Tony sat down on the couch. Tony told Friday to play the movie. They sat watching the movie until pizza came they ate while continuing watching. Parker fell asleep around the end of the fourth movie. Snuggled against Tony who fell asleep a few minutes after them. 

Hope you like it. I will tru to write a new chapter as soon as I can. Stay safe. ;() 

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