The Fight

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Parker was having a bad day. They had gotten shot lat night. Twice. It had healed but their body was still sore. May was out of town for some nursing conference. Ned couldn't come to school because he was sick. On top of all that Flash had been bugging them more than usual.

It was lunch break when Parker finally lost it. Flash and his idiotic friends had cornered them. They were beating Parker up when they snapped. Parker got out of their hold and started fighting them. The person fighting wasn't Parker it was their instincts. Parker had knocked them all down when they noticed the crowd. It wasn't long before the principal came.

"My office. NOW!"

Parker walked to the office. Flash and the others were already there. They were gawking at Parker. There was hint of fear in their eyes. They were wondering how Penis Parker had beaten them.

After five minutes Principal Morita walked in. Flash and his goons started shouting about how they didn't start the fight and they were the victims.

Parker stayed silent. Parker knew that man was going to make Parker responsible no matter what they said. He was a transphobic asshole. Flash knew that. That why he wasn't even trying to make up a story. Just saying Parker attacked them out of nowhere.

"Mr. Parker, Please come with me."

Parker didn't follow him. Parker had enough. And if they were going down at least they could make him use the right pronouns.

"Mr. Parker, I said come with me."

"Principal Morita, until you stop calling for someone that I am not and use right pronouns I am not coming with you."

"You are coming with me, young man."

Thats when Parker did something they thought they would never do. Parker got up and left the pffice. They walked to their class which was Physics. The teacher let them in and Parker sat next to MJ. Parker couldn't believe they had just done that.

"You back early Park. What happened?"

"I walked out. He kept calling me Mr. or young man so I snapped and walked out of the room."

MJ looked so proud of her friend. She has been telling them to do that for months.


"Peter Parker to the office. Peter Parker to the office."

Parker got up and walked to the office. Mr. Morita was waiting for them.

"Mrs. Morita what can I do for you?"

"It's Mr Morita, Mr. Parker."

"And its Mx. Parker, Mrs Morita."

"Well Mr. I called your guardian but she said she was out of town so we called your second emergency contact. Who do you think you are putting Tony Stark as an emergency contact?"

"I think that I work with him. And you have no right to question who is on my emergency contact. As I have told the school many times I work with him. But you never believe me."

"Of course. We don't believe you Mr. Parker. The Tony Stark knowing you? A nerdy high schooler. Just because you are smart doesn't mean you get to lie about you 'internship'"

"Alright, I had enough. We both know Flash is only here because his parents are on the board and pay for the school. I am sick of you misgendering me Mrs. Morita. And do you really want the risk of me suing you because I have all of our conversation on recording. It clearly shows that you were discriminating against a non-binary student. That could count as a hate crime. And you should have believed it when I said I have an internship and know Tony Stark because he is right in front of your door. Good luck Mrs. Morita."

Then Tony entered the room just as he heard Parker finish their speech.

"Kid, that was great. I taught you well, my Padawan. And Mrs. Morita you will be hearing from my lawyers. Oh and I will be signing Parker out. They don't need stay here."

Tony led Parker out in to his car. Paker left school. They went to the tower to have a movie night because movie nights are the best.

Two weeks later Principal Morita was fired and replaced.

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