Sensory Overload

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Hello again. You know I am so annoyed by myself right now. I keep misgendering my character when I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns myself. Warning this chapter is most likely shitty. I wrote it after an anxiety attack to keep my head off things. But I hope you like it.

TW: something like a panic or anxiety attack, bullying

It has been a month since the summer break started. Parker was staying with the Avengers at the Tower. Everyone was gone on a mission except Steve who had just returned from his own.

Parker was scrolling trough social media when they saw a post. Flash was mocking their gender and insulting them but that wasn't the worst part. Parker was used to it. The worst part was the comments agreeing with him. Telling Parker tog go kill themself. There were a few people trying to defend him but they were outnumbered by the hate and discrimination.

Parker knew they were on the edge of a sensory overload. They had felt that way since they woke from a nightmare. That was the last drop.

Parker was sobbing on the ground. Everything was too loud too bright. They were wincing with every sob. The clothes against their skin burning them. The sound of cars scratching his ears.

They heard FRIDAY talking but they couldn't understand what the AI was saying. The only thing they were aware of was the pain.

Parker then heard footsteps. Every step making their pain worse. They heard the voice of Steve Rogers.

"Parker, kid. Are you okay?"

Parker screamed at the voice. It was too loud. Unlike FRIDAY, Steve didn't know he was suppose to be quiet. Parker barely formed a sentence.

"Too loud. Dont talk."

FRIDAY talked to the Captain so quietly that Steve could hear it. Parker groaned at the voice but they knew the AI was giving Steve instruction on what to do.

They felt someone pick them up. Parker groaned at the touch but there was nothing they could do. Steve took them to their lab which Parker had designed for situations like this. Parker felt Steve put them on the couch and exit the room. He felt FRIDAY losing the light and making the room soundproof.


Outside the lab Steve Rogers was worried. He had never seen anything like this.

"FRIDAY are you sure that I should leave them like this?"

"Yes, Mr. Rogers. Parker designed that lab to help them with sensory overloads like this. The only thing you can do is wait until it passes. I have already informed Mr. Stark he should be here within the hour."

Steve didn't say anything. He didn't want to leave Parker alone but he trusted FRIDAY. So he sat outside on one of Tony's couches reading a book. He was still worried so he was looking at the lab every two minutes and occasionally asking FRI how they were doing.

Tony came a little after half a hour. He looked worried.

"FRI, how are they doing? Is the kid alright?"

"Parker seems to have had a severe sensory overload. Mr. Rogers placed them in the lab. They seem to be doing better but I would advise to wait 15 more minutes before going in"

"Thanks, FRI"

Steve and Tony sat there in silence until Steve spoke.

"Does this happen often?"

"Sometimes, Parker had a hard life for someone so young. I just wanna help them."

"For once you are doing a good thing. Has the coldhearted Tony Stark gone soft?"

"You underestimate me, Rogers."

There was silence again then the AI told them.

"Parker is out of the overload but I would go easy on him and don't make loud sounds.."

"You wait here, Rogers. I will take care of them."

Tony still didn't trust Steve after the civil war incident.

Tony walked in to the lab. Parker was sitting on the couch. They still had tears streaming down their face. But they weren't wincing at Tony's every steps that was good. Tony sat next tp him putting his arm over their shoulder.

"Hey, Park. How you doing? Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. Dont worry Mr. Stark just feeling tired."

"You wanna tell me what triggered it before or after you take a nap?"

Parker yawned and put their head on their shoulder.

"After. Good choice, kid. Go to sleep you need it."

Hope you liked it. Stay safe ;)

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