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Parker was heartbroken. They had learned that Gwen had been cheating on them with Flash. Parker was talking with Mr. Delmar when they entered the deli, holding hands and kissing. Parker hadn't said anything; they just grabbed their sandwich and walked out, tears streaming down their face as they walked towards the Tower.

Tony was sitting on a couch watching TV when Parker came in. They saw Tony and sat next to him. Tony was worried.

"Kid, what's wrong?"

"Gwen cheated on me."

"Oh, Park, I am so sorry."

Tony hugged his kid. That's when Parker broke completely. They started sobbing into Tony's shoulder. Tony held Parker close to him as they cried. He hated seeing them like this. Tony traced circles on their back and tried to assure them that everything would be right.

After a while Parker calmed down. Their sobs turned into sniffling.

"I understand, kid. The first one is always the worst."

"Does it ever get better?"

"No, you just learn to deal with it."

Tony's eyes were distant. Parker knew he was thinking about Steve. Tony had liked him a lot but then he betrayed Tony and left him for death.

"You are thinking about Steve aren't you?"

"What? No."

"It's obvious you liked him."

"That's all in the past, Park. I may be problematic but even I am not crazy enough to date the man who beat the shit out of me and left me for death. And, kid, she didn't deserve you. You will find someone new. Now enough of the depressive talk. Let's watch a movie."

"Yes. FRI play Revenge of the Sith."

They cuddled together and watched the movie.

When Pepper came back from work, she saw the two asleep, holding each other. She kissed their foreheads and put a blanket over them.

"Hey, FRI. Take a picture."

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