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Parker is 25 in this. Parker and Wade are married.

 Not long after Ben's death they had found out that May had end stage lung cancer. She refused treatment because she didn't want to live without her husband. Parker didn't understand that at the time. But now that Parker had gotten married themself, they understood her decision.

After May's death Parker was sent to an orphanage. That was where they met Wade. Love of their life. The reason Parker survived. Wade was the only one that didn't misgender them or call them slurs in that horrible place.

After a while they started dating. As Wade and Parker also as Spidey and Deadpool. They got married when they were both 22 and adopted a little girl named Eva a year later. They had found Eva while they were patrolling. Her mother was abusive so they took her in as their own daughter. And the little family was formed.

Parker worked as a scientist at Stark Industries. They had graduated from college and found a job at SI. Wade was a private investigator. Turns out being a private investigator and a mercenary has a lot in common

Parker and Wade would go on patrols together after Eva slept. The small family was happy. Their life was peaceful.

That changed one day when the Avenger burst into their home. Wade was out on a case. Parker and Eva were in the kitchen drawing when Parker's Spidey Sense tingled. Parker was immediately in a fighting stance pushing their daughter behind them.

"Pa, what's wrong?"

"Everything is okay, love. Just stay behind me, okay?"

The terrified little girl nodded. Parker then spoke to Karen, their AI.

"Karen call Wade and lock the kitchen after me."

"Sure thing, boss. Good luck."

Parker kissed their daughters hair one last time before walking out of the kitchen. Parker heard the door click as Karen locked it.

"I told Fury to stop sending people after me. I have a family to protect."

"Last I heard your husband was immortal, Mr. Parker."

"It's Mx. Parker, Stark. And that doesn't mean that he won't get hurt and my daughter deserves a normal life. She is the only reason I am not fighting you right now."

It was Natasha who spoke this time. Natasha had met Parker when she was injured during a mission and Parker found her in an alleyway and took her home. They helped her recover. They had been good friends ever since then.

"I am sorry but you have to come with us."

Parker couldn't risk a fight with Eva in the house. They knew Eva was listening. That she was worried. Parker could hear her cries for them through the walls. She was banging on the door, trying to open it. Parker sighed. A tear rolled down their eye as they raised their hands in surrender.

"Karen take care of her until Wade comes home. Tell him what happened and that I love him."

Natasha came up behind them and cuffed their hands. She whispered in their ear.

"Мне жаль." (I'm sorry.)

"Все в порядке, Нат. Ты должен был это сделать." (It's okay Nat. You had to do it.)

The Avengers led Parker to their plane. Parker hated planes ever since their parents' deaths. They were shaking a little. They tried to hide by biting the inside of their cheek. Natasha made Parker sit on a seat then sat next to him.

Parker was worried about Eva and Wade. They knew Karen would take care of their family but Parker wanted to be with their family.

When the plane landed Parker was relieved for a little while. They really did hate planes. But then they realized they were on Helicarrier. Parker was led to an interrogation room. In front Parker sat Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Mr. Parker, welcome. It's nice to finally meet the famous Spidey."

"It's Mx. Parker. My aunt said always be polite but I don't think that applies to the man who hunted me for years. So it sucks to meet you, Director."

"Still sassy, I see. I just needed your identity."

"And I told you I had people to protect. Family to take care of. While you dragged me here my daughter is all alone at home. Probably crying. So thank you. I would have beaten the shit out of your team if she wasn't so close."

"I'm sorry Mx. Parker but it was necessary."

"No, it wasn't. We both know that. No need to lie to ourselves. Can I go now? You learned my fucking name."

"Not before you tell us your story?"

"Why should I?"

"Then you are not leaving."

Parker sighed.

"Fine. But this stays off any electronic files."


"My parents died when I was six. My aunt and uncle took me in. When I was 13 I got bit by a radioactive spider and got my powers. My uncle died a few weeks after that. His last words were 'With great power comes great responsibility.' I live by those words. That's why I became Spidey. Then my aunt died of cancer. I was sent to an orphanage. I met my husband there. We got married and adopted Eva. That enough for you?"

"I would like you to join the Avengers."

"I have to talk to my family about this."

Parker held out their cuffed hands towards Fury.

"Will you uncuff me so I can call Wade?"

"Fury grumbled but opened the cuffs. Parker took out their phone and called Wade.


"Baby? Are you alright? I am gonna kick Fury's ass. I have been worried sick."

"How's Eva?"

"Cried a lot and asked where you were. Fell asleep crying."

"Ok, so Fury wants me to join the Avengers. Should I?"

"I don't know, baby. Do you want to?"

"I do but didn't want to say anything before talking with you."

"Ask them if I can come too?"

"Ok, wait one sec."

Parker turned to Fury.

"Can Wade join too? Because without him. I won't do it."

"Fine, your crazy husband can join you."

Parker went back to their phone call.

"He said yes. But what about Eva?"

"We can always make Logan or Matt take care of her. Even if Logan refuses he loves her. He is a big softie. Don't tell him I said that. He would chop me to pieces."

"See you in a bit, baby."

And that's how Spidey and Deadpool became Avengers.

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