36. Healing

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I glared at the hulking bronze brute before me. "This is so not fair."

Jacob rolled his eyes in response. "It's not meant to be fair. I can't help it that I have super human healing abilities. And now at least I can help you around."

I sneered in affrontment. "Yeah, yeah. You aren't the one stuck with an ankle cast for the next six weeks."

Jacob settled next to me on the couch in my living room. "It'll be over before you know it. Remember when I had that arm fracture? It healed in no time."

I snorted in contempt. "You were miserable and complained about the cast every time I saw you."

Jacob winced. "Right. Never mind."

I sighed and frowned. It had been a week and a half since the battle and life was both very different and yet not at the same time.

Bella was engaged.

Not only was Bella engaged, but Dad didn't even put up much of a fuss. Mom, much to our shock, was excited about it.

I didn't really know how to react. If life was normal and everyone was fully human, I probably would have been extremely excited for Bella. But I couldn't be fully happy for her when I knew the darker side of the Cullen family.

No one else really cared that Bella was getting married. The pack was just glad the battle was over and they fell into an easy routine again. All they wanted was to keep people safe and to be happy. That was what I wanted too, but it was hard to adjust.

Jacob had just been cleared to do normal life again after his injury and there lay the point of my frustration.

I didn't mind that he was healed. I was actually very glad that he was no longer in pain. But I was still in pain and could barely walk, plus I still had a concussion, and so I ranted about the unfairness of life and the situation to an exasperated Jacob.

We sat in silence, me glaring at my cast and Jacob watching the game on the tv. Jacob eventually got up and left the room. I craned my neck after him.

Before I could ask what he was doing I heard the fridge door open and then shuffling. Food, of course. My eyes rolled on their own accord.

I scowled at my cast again. The next six weeks were going to be agony. And, to make it better, the six weeks were only the time I was to stay off of my foot. In all likelihood I would not be fully healed for a couple weeks after that.

Several days later I was thoroughly annoyed. It wasn't that I didn't appreciate all the help, and the extra kindness- it was the fact that the entire wolf pack, though Jacob was ten times worse than the others, barely let me do anything. I was carried everywhere when I wasn't alone, and there was barely even an hour that I was alone. They did everything for me.

It was sweet. Really it was. I had never seen a group of teenaged boys be so kind and considerate. But I couldn't handle it much more.

My rescue came in a rather unexpected way. It was Leah who finally rolled her eyes after I reached for my water bottle and Jacob picked it up and handed it to me.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. I've had enough. Come on." Leah stood up abruptly and snapped.

I stared in confusion. "Me?"

She rolled her eyes and pulled me to my feet, which made me the tiniest bit dizzy. "Yes you. Let's get away from these bumbling males."

The pack that was present made several noises in indignation, the loudest being Jacob.


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