5. Hanging out

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The morning sun shone brightly through the window as I walked to the door, grabbing my backpack on the way out. Hopefully the forecast was correct, and the weather would hold. I snacked on an apple as I got in the car and waited for dad. Today he was going to drive me to Jacob's house and then go fishing with Harry Clearwater.

When I arrived at the Blacks house I was greeted by Billy. "Good morning Liana,"

"Good morning Billy, how are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm doing good," he replied. "Jacob is still sleeping,"

"I'll go wake him up," I said.

Upon entering his room I stopped. He was sprawled out on his stomach across his bed, hair sticking every which way. A quiet, yet steady snoring could be heard. He looks so cute, I smiled. Wait, what? Since when is Jacob cute? I shook myself out of my train of thought.

Jacob was quite a deep sleeper so that made it interesting to wake him up sometimes. This gave me the perfect opportunity to do something that I had wanted to do for a while.

I crouched down and gently picked up his long black hair and started to braid. I had been begging to braid his hair for a long time but he never let me, saying it was to girly for him. His hair was so straight and soft compared to my curly mass of hair. Halfway through the braid Jake started to move around. I quickly finished the braid and then shook his shoulder.

"Jacob, wake up. We're going to meet up with the others today, remember?" I said.

He blinked at me, then sat up slowly and stretched. "Just let me get dressed first."

I blushed as I noticed that he was shirtless and I hurried out the door, waiting for him to realize what I did. It didn't take long.

"Liana! What did you do?!" Jacob howled. "Fix this!"

I stuck my head around the door and laughed when I saw him. He was standing there, glaring at me, but I knew he wasn't to upset, at least I hoped not. Eventually he cracked and began laughing as well.
As he ate, I unbraided his hair and brushed it.


"Stop moving!" I scolded. "You'll only make it worse."

We made our way to First beach to meet up with our friends. Embry was already waiting when we got there, pitching rocks into the ocean. Quil and Nina arrived together and we made our way to Second Beach.

"Race you there!" Embry shouted to us.

"You're on!" Jacob said. They took off, and Nina and I ran after them.

The boys soon began to play football, which always devolved into a wrestling match so Nina and I stayed on a piece of driftwood.

"How are things going with your sister?" Nina asked.

I thought for a moment, "Pretty well I guess. She took a few days to settle in, but I think she is happy."

"That's good," she said.

"Yeah. The only problem is that she is interested in a guy that gives me the creeps and he seems to like her back. He never talked to any unless he had to until my sister showed up," I said, and shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket.

"That is a bit weird. But don't worry about it to much if she's happy," Nina said.

"How are things at home?" I asked. Nina had lived with her grandfather, Aunt, and Quil, her cousin, ever since her parents died in a house fire.

"Things are fine. Grandpa can't hear as well as he used to but otherwise everything is normal." She said.

My eyes followed Jacob as he played.

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