28. Pack Drama

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Once I had recovered from the stress of practically being kidnapped, I could think normally again. I towel dried my hair and sat on my bed with Jacob.

"I don't like it. Bella shouldn't take you there even if she thinks it is safe." Jacob fussed.

I nodded. "I was really nervous, but they said that I stunk like a dog so I think that helped."

Jacob smirked. "I'll have to stick by you non stop then. I can't have you smelling good to any bloodsucker. They don't have any room to talk though, they smell like bleach mixed with rotting fruit and horribly strong perfume."

"I doubt that Rosalie would appreciate that comparison." I chuckled.

"Bella's room is saturated in leech smell. I can smell I through the wall and it is gross." Jacob complained and I shuddered.

Eventually Jacob relaxed but after he left my stress shot up again. Bella came home with Edward and met Dad at the door. I heard their raised and upset voices, but I couldn't make out any words. Edward undoubtedly would show up in Bella's room and stay.

Two days later I was at Emily's house when an incident happened that shook the whole pack.

Emily's sister had brought her almost three year old daughter, Claire, to stay for two weeks while she and her husband went on a holiday.

Claire was a cute little girl with bronze skin and wavy dark brown hair. Her little hands were always exploring and she was always asking "Auntie Em" if she could help in the kitchen.

Emily and I tried to let Claire help but she got in the way most of the time.

I laughed. "This must be good practice for you."

Emily helped Claire stir a bowl of batter and smiled. "It is. I hope to have a few children and Sam does too, but I think we are going to wait a bit first. He doesn't want to worry about children when there is such a threat."

I nodded. "Hey Claire, look at this."

I cracked an egg into a bowl with one hand and Claire stared in amazement. Sue had taught me that trick a couple years ago when I started baking. There were more eggs to crack so I helped Claire tap them against the bowl and let the yoke and whites fall. Claire laughed every time the egg emptied and that made me laugh. She was just so cute.

A little while later Jared and Quil trooped in, hungry from patrol. Quil dashed to the bathroom and Jared flicked his eyes to Claire.

"Who's this?" He asked, mouth full.

Emily shook her head. "I told you all a week ago. My niece, Claire."

Claire looked up from her toys in the living room. "Hi." She waved.

Quil reentered the room and grabbed a muffin. He closed his eyes as he ate. "Emily, I love you. This is the best food I've ever eaten."

Emily just laughed. The boys frequently professed their love for her and her food and she just brushed it off.

Claire picked up her doll and marched over to the table. She patted Quil's leg and looked up at him. "Play with me?" She asked.

Quill took another bite and looked down at her.

Down into her big brown eyes.

His jaw dropped and the bite of muffin fell to the floor. He sat starstruck as Claire jumped back and giggled. Emily and I froze and stared at each other in shock as we recognized that look for what it was.

Jared leapt to his feet and grabbed Quil by the neck. "Outside!" He growled. Before I could move Jared had pulled Quil, who looked dazed, out the door. This sprang us into action and Emily reached for Claire while I jumped off the couch to the door.

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