32. Planning

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That night we met with the Cullens again, and this time it was more interesting.

Each of the wolves practiced fighting the Cullens one on one, and then they had groups of wolves fight groups of Cullens. Once again they usually moved too fast for me to follow.

Again, I just sat on the ground and tried to stay awake. I mused about the pack as I did so.

They all had such an interesting dynamic. They worked together like a well oiled unit, which was partly because of the mind link. They also knew each other's strengths and used them to the best of their ability.

Sam was the alpha and had their complete trust. He was the strongest physically and was good at watching and giving directions. As a wolf, he was black and very intimidating looking. As a human he stood a foot and a bit taller than me, with the shoulders to match. He was rather nice though, and tried to do his best for the pack even when it was hard.

Jacob was the beta, because he refused to be alpha. He told me once that he was scared of the responsibility and the control of giving orders, but the blood within him resisted Sam's authority. Being beta appeased his genetics, but he still sometimes resented Sam's orders. He was the second tallest, and was extremely strong. In fact, he might have been the strongest of all the wolves, but it was hard to tell exactly.

Jared, who was currently fighting one or one with Jasper, was the third, simply because of age and experience as a wolf. His strong suit was his eyesight. Everyone trusted his eyes over their own, as he had noticed things much earlier than others in the past.

Paul was tough and rambunctious, and loved to be aggressive, as seen by his fights with the vampires, but funnily enough, he was the wolf that had the best sense of smell. He should smell a rabbit a mile away or sniff out a caterpillar in two seconds. I felt sorry for him to be in the presence of this many vampires and their overwhelming scent.

Embry was the fasted of the wolves and was a little smaller as a result. Even as a human, he wasn't as big as some of the pack, but he could outrun all of them. In contrast, Quil was very bulky as a human but fairly all round in capabilities. I knew that he didn't care as he was simply happy to be included again.

Seth and Leah each had their abilities as well. Seth could hear the rabbit that Paul could smell at the same time, though the caterpillar might be a bit difficult to hear. Leah was the smallest, even smaller than Collin and Brady's wolves, but she was a runner up as the fastest. I had heard that she and Embry sometimes raced but he always won so far.

The two youngest, Collin and Brady were still growing into being wolves, but so far they were very agile, which might be because they were at a more flexible age.

I yawned and looked at my watch. It was twelve fifty eight, almost one in the morning. Bella was standing and leaning against a tree, watching the show.

The wolves were very impressive to watch and I was enjoying the training even though I knew it was for a battle that could be very dangerous.

The pack dynamic was just so unique and beautiful to see. They all regarded each other as brothers, and with Leah, a sister, even the newest that they didn't know before. They were the tightest knit group of people I had ever seen and somehow I was part of that group.

The pack did baby the youngest a little bit, and they mostly didn't care, but still tried to prove themselves. The babying mostly was towards Brady and Collin, but Seth was often lumped in with them as he was only a year older, and so the three of them became a sub group in the pack.

Another sub group was Jacob, Quil, and Embry. The three had been best friends since not long after birth and they knew each other inside and out before they had the mind link. And after? They were unstoppable.

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