24. The Leech Returns

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"You!" I spat. My fists clenched, and I would have punched him except for the fact that I I would probably break my hand if I did.

Edward kept walking past me into Bella's room. He laid her on the bed and turned around to face me and Dad.

"She is alright. She is only tired." He said smoothly.

My blood boiled. "How dare you come back here! After you left her in the dirt? You can't come waltzing back like nothing happened!"

Edward pressed his lips together. "It was never my intention to hurt her."

"Yeah? Well you sure did a good job without trying! You ruined her!" I yelled at him in a whisper so as to not wake Bella.

Dad, though he looked angry, put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, calm down."

He turned to Edward and spoke in a steely voice. "I want you out of my house now, and you are never to step foot through that door again. I don't want you to see Bella again."

Edward looked pained at my words, but nodded at Dad. "Sir."

He walked slowly down the stairs and I followed him, glaring holes into the back of his head. He turned on the step and looked at Dad. "I'm sorry for any hurt that has been caused."

And with that he walked towards the car where the other vampires waited. I ran halfway to the car. "You better not come back! She was just getting better from what you did to her. Do you even know what she was like? She was like a zombie for four and a half months!"

Edward winced. "Please Liana, you must understand that I didn't want to hurt her."

I snorted. "You've said that. But all I can see is that you have hurt her. So listen to me leech, stay away from my sister." I pointed at him threateningly.

He shook his head. "I can't do that. Also a word of recommendation, werewolves are dangerous, you are risking you life by being around them." His nose curled just a bit when he said that.

I rolled my eyes. "Well at least they aren't lusting for my blood. And they are only dangerous if you anger them. But wait, you anger them, not me. So you can't touch me or they will kill you."

Edward shook his head and turned to leave.

"I'm not finished." I hissed. "Don't come back, don't look at my sister, don't touch her. She is not for you, you selfish old bloodsucker! You hear me?"

Edward inclined his head. "That will be up to Bella. Goodnight Liana."

He got into the car and as they drove away, Rosalie gave me a hint of a smile and nod through the back window. My jaw dropped. Rosalie Cullen approved of me yelling at her brother? I shook my head and stomped back into the house. This was crazy.

Dad went up to Bella's room and I followed him. She lay on her side on her bed, and looked exhausted.

"Bella, I don't ever want you to do a thing like this again. And you are grounded. For the year." Dad said.

Bella nodded but looked unapologetic. I stayed silent and stared at her. Finally Dad closed the door and went to his room. I stayed standing in front of Bella's door, frowning, debating to go in or not. Eventually I decided to let her sleep and went to my room.

My sleep was interrupted by nightmares of Bella turning into a vampire. But this time Edward was with her, red eyed and blood dripping off both of their hands. I shuddered, and rolled over.

After ten minutes of lying wide awake I got up and threw on a hoodie. I tiptoed into Bella's room and touched her neck. There was a pulse and my anxiety lessened. I let my fingers fall away and watched for a minute as she slept.

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