1. Anticipation

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Liana Swan POV.

My camera dangled from my neck as I leaned my bike against the wall of the Forks Police Station. I was very familiar with the inside and out of the building, not because I had ever been arrested but because my Dad was the chief of police in Forks.

School was out for the day and I sometimes stopped in to hang out with Dad before going home.

I walked into Dads office to find him on the phone. I sat down and spun lazily in a chair and fiddled with my earrings until he hung up.

Little did I know that the phone call was one to initiate the craziest two years of my life. The craziest, saddest, yet somehow wonderful, years.

"Who was that?" I asked.

Dad leaned back and looked at me. "That was your mother. She said Bella wants to come and live with us."

"Wait what? Really?!"

I was so excited. Bella had barely visited in the last few years and the last time I had seen her was at mom's wedding to Phil.

That was six months ago.

We kept in touch by occasional emails and phone calls, but sometimes it was hard to relate when you never saw each other. Now that Bella was moving to Forks, we could be sisters again.

Bella and I had similar looks, though I had much curlier hair than she did and she had a narrower face than me. I was also a little taller than her as I had grown since our moms wedding where we were the same height.

"When is she coming?" I asked.

"She will arrive in less than a month, so that doesn't give us lots of time to get ready, I think she said the 18th of January." he said.

I started thinking about what we would have to do. The room that Bella always slept in was being used as storage at the moment. My room was beside hers and across from Dads room.

"You know, Bella probably won't be to happy that we all have to share a bathroom," I said to Dad.

He didn't say anything to that so I continued,
"Maybe we could paint her bedroom and get a new bed for her. What made her decide to come live with us anyway? How long is she going to stay for? Oh! I should tell Jacob and the others!" I rambled on getting more excited as I went along.

"Woah there! Slow down a moment. She is coming so that your mom and Phil could travel, I don't know how long she will stay for, but it looks like it will be a while. Yes, you can tell your friends," Dad said.

Most of my friends were guys, not that that was a bad thing at all, not by any means, most of the time I preferred the boys company over the girls anyway.

I had one girl friend that I actually got along with really well. Her name was Nina Ateara, the cousin of Quil Ateara the fifth. She was from the Quileute reservation like the rest of my best friends and we had known each other since I moved here when I was eight.

We hadn't always been friends. In fact we both disliked each other until about age twelve. My other friends, Jacob Black, Embry Call, and Quil Ateara I had known since I was a kid. I also stuck out like a sore thumb with my curly brown hair, and pale skin next to their lovely coppery bronze skin and straight black hair.

The ride home was quite for the most part, Dad never was one for much talking and I had lots of things to think about. We were on Christmas break from school so that would leave plenty of time for sprucing up Bella's room. Purple is a safe colour. Not to girly, but not to tomboyish either. My room was turquoise with some light pink trim around the edges.

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