22. Disaster

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A few days after Bella found out about the pack, I was sitting at my desk writing an English essay when I felt an uncomfortable yet familiar sensation.

"Oh, blast it." I mumbled and hurried to the bathroom. When I was done, I took some pain medicine and tried to get back to writing, but I was distracted by the discomfort in my

It was just after six on a Thursday, and Bella and I were alone in the house, but I had barely seen her all day. Dad had gone over to the Clearwaters for the day and was probably out hunting for the pack with Harry. I heated up a pan of leftovers and ate a small supper by myself. I turned the radio on and listened to a John Denver song that was playing as I slowly washed my dishes and tidied the kitchen a bit. Before I was done, Bella walked by, keys in hand.

"Hey Bella. Are you going somewhere? It's kind of late." I asked.

She glanced up, looking a bit surprised. "Umm, yeah, Liana. I was going to go down to La Push and go cliff diving."

I dropped my drying towel and shook the water off my hands. "Bella, cliff diving is dangerous. One should never do it by themselves. And it's way to early in the year. The water is still freezing in March."

She shrugged. "Jake said he would take me."

"Jacob is busy tonight, he and the guys are patrolling again. And I'm pretty sure he meant that he would take you in the summer." I said, concerned. "I don't think you should go."

Bella didn't answer, and continued walking out the door. I hurried to follow her. If I went with her maybe I could talk her out of actually cliff diving. I hopped in the passenger seat of Bella's truck and stared at her in concern. She looked as pale, tired, and thin as usual, but her eyes looked a little hazy. It was very similar to when she was in her depressed stage and I hadn't seen her like this since she had begun spending time with me and Jacob.

"Bella? Are you alright?" I asked quietly.

She bobbed a nod and began driving.

"I don't really think this is a good idea. It's cold out and it's raining. We normally don't cliff dive unless it is summer, and even then the water is cold." I went on, but Bella didn't seem to be listening because she never responded and just kept driving.

Soon we were at the cliffs. Bella got out and started walking through the wood to the edge. I jumped out of the truck and hurried after her. Bella stopped right at the edge and stared down at the crashing waves. I slowly crept towards her as to not startle her, and I wrapped my jacket a bit tighter around me to hold off the cold.

"You wanted me to be human." Bella said.

"What?" I asked, confused. I had never talked with Bella about anything like that. Why wouldn't she want to be human? Why wouldn't I want her to be human? "Bella please come away from the edge. We are too high up and it isn't safe."

"Watch me." She unzipped and removed her jacket.

I reached out a hand to her shoulder. "Bella, please don't do this. It's not worth it." I tried to stay calm. My eyes were wide open, and my heart was pounding. If I was right, then Bella was about to kill her self by jumping off the cliff.

"You won't stay with me any other way!" She exclaimed and jumped. I grabbed for her arm but missed.

I screamed. "Bella!"

I dropped to my knees by the edge and looked down at the raging water. After a few seconds I saw a head appear out of the ocean. My relief was short lived as a huge wave crashed into my tiny looking sister and buried her underwater. I waited a few more seconds and when her head didn't appear, I screamed again. It was a raw scream of pain, rage at Bella, hatred of Edward, and frustration. "Why?!!!"

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