16. Bella Improves

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"So how did it go?" I asked Dad the next day.

"Well, Bella said that she had plans to go shopping later today and watch a movie with Jessica. And that she wanted to stay here." He shook his head. "I hope this means she is getting better."

"Bella hates shopping, Dad." I stated. But if she was doing anything with anyone that was good. I hope. "Does this mean she is staying with us for now?"

"I think so. Are you going with her? She said she would go tomorrow." He asked.

I shook my head. "Jacob and I have a date planned for tomorrow." A couple days ago, just after our drivers tests, he had officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I had, of course, said yes. Tomorrow we were going to stay at his house and watch a movie instead of going somewhere else as both of us were very nearly broke.

"Great." Dad acknowledged.

The day after our date I was sitting in Jacob's garage playing with a wrench. Jacob was tidying up some of his tools and I kept trying to hide them. Currently I had a small screwdriver up my jacket sleeve, and a socket wrench in my pocket.

"Liana, give them back," Jacob demanded, holding out his hand in my direction.

"What?" I smirked.

"I see the screwdriver in sleeve," he deadpanned.

"Ohh, you mean this." I handed it over to him. "Don't know how that got there."

He grinned. "And the other ones? I know you have them."

"Uh, no?" I stood up and moved away.

He came closer and reached for me. I backed away.

"If you don't have them, then why are you running?" Jacob asked, still grinning. He leaned closer and I looked up at him, my eyes barely level with his chin. He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I dropped the wrench in my hand and brought it up to his shoulder. This was only the second time he had kissed me and I was still getting used to the fact that we could, now that we were dating.

"My wrench?" He asked, pulling away.

"Hey! That's not fair! You can't kiss me to get what you want!" I exclaimed, and kicked his leg.

He jumped backwards, laughing, while I chased him and continued mock kicking his legs.

Just then our fun was interrupted by a loud rumbling truck pulling up at his house. I looked at Jake.

"That's Bella. What is she doing here?" I asked, confused. Bella never came down here.

"I don't know. Let's go find out." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

"Bella!" I called. She was standing on the porch and looked our way.

"Hey Liana. Hi Jake." She waved.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jacob asked.

She walked over to her truck and pulled back the tarp covering the back. Inside lay two beat up motorcycles.

My eyebrows raised to my hairline at the sight of them. What was Bella doing?

"Wow, they sure are in rough shape." Jacob commented but his eyes betrayed his excitement about the machines.

"I saw them and figured that my mechanic friend could fix them up maybe." She said, looking at Jacob.

"It'll take a lot of work." He told her.

"Can you do it?" She challenged.

"Wait, wait, wait. Wait a second." I interrupted, still confused at the entirety of the situation. "Bella, since when have you been interested in motorcycles?"

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