20. An Incident

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The front door slammed, breaking my concentration on my chemistry homework. Footsteps stomped up the stairs and my door opened roughly, making me jump. Bella was dripping wet and it almost looked like she had been crying.

"What happened?" I exclaimed. I had never seen Bella looking this distraught before.

"Jake joined Sam's gang!"

I thought quickly. "Umm, that must be a mistake. Jacob doesn't like those guys."

Bella shook her head. "I'm sure. He had a tattoo and his hair was cut and I saw him with them! How could he?! He hated Sam!"

"I'm sure there is a reason. And Jacob is sick, why were you down there?" I asked. I tried not to looked panicked. Bella couldn't find out. Even if her previous boyfriend was a vampire, she wasn't allowed to know about all the supernatural things in Forks.

"He wasn't sick! And he told me to go away. And he's been ignoring me for two weeks!" Bella said.

And what a blissful two weeks those were. Jacob and I had spent every possible moment together and it had been the longest about of time that I had seen him for without Bella for a very long time and I was enjoying it. We were able to clear the air about everything and take a bit of time to appreciate each other and just relax. Of course, he had patrols and I had school, but most of the rest of our days were spent with each other.

I turned away and bit my lip. "I'll call him later and find out. I need to work on this right now."

"Why aren't you more concerned about this? I thought you and Jake were friends?" Bella questioned.

I lazily spun my chair back around with a laugh. "We are friends. We are more than that even though I'm not really sure if you noticed. I am just not too concerned because I know Sam." I drily replied.

Bella frowned. "Jake said Sam leads a gang or a cult or something. Those guys are dangerous, Liana."

"Well, Jacob doesn't know everything and maybe they are dangerous. But driving a motorcycle could be dangerous! It doesn't mean that they are bad!" I exclaimed. Her insistence on the subject was grating on my nerves and making me upset.

"A gang isn't the same as a motorcycle! I should tell Dad." Bella stepped back a bit.

I glared. What did she know? Nothing. "They aren't a gang! Sam was the one that found you  after your stupid boyfriend dumped you! So go ahead and tell Dad! I could always tell him about the motorcycles you picked up."

It was a cheap shot and I knew it, but I was getting fed up about walking on eggshells around Bella. And stupid was one of the lighter words I had in mind about her boyfriend.

Bella paled. "Don't talk about Edward like that."

I glared at her. "Bella he left you in the woods. Alone. I think that was pretty stupid of him! If he had had any decency at all, he would have broken up with you at home! Not in the middle of nowhere!"

Bella spun around, tripped on the way out my door and slammed it shut. I heard her door open and close rather violently as well.

I relaxed the grip I had on my desk chair.
This whole thing was rather stupid. Bella knew stuff and I knew more stuff, and yet we were both hiding everything from each other. If only my life was normal.

But then again, if my life was normal, I might not have such a tight knit and fun group of friends.

The next day was blessedly a Saturday, which I would have spent with Jacob, but he was busy patrolling for the red headed vampire. After a quiet and tense morning, Bella headed out for a walk, while I tried to finish some more homework. With all the pack business distracting me, I was getting a bit behind on school. Not long after noon, Mr. Clearwater came over to visit with Dad.

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