30. Vacation

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We were approaching the long weekend at the end of May and Dad and I were watching the football game. A car rolled up and I pushed the curtains aside to see Edward and Bella. Great.

Dad stood up and met them at the door and I heard what sounded like Bella arguing with Edward. Good, she needed a spine when it came to him. I tried to ignore them and finally the car drove away with Edward in it, Bella went to her room, and Dad came back and sat next to me.

"So, how do you feel about going to Jacksonville?" Dad asked.

I put the remote down, baffled. "What?"

He coughed a laugh. "Jacksonville. You and Bella are have tickets."

I blinked. "And when did this happen?"

Dad chuckled. "Apparently she got the tickets for her birthday and they are about to expire."

"But why did Bella choose for me to go? We've gotten along but I doubt she would invite me." I asked, confused.

"She didn't. But I also know that Edwin was fully planning to go with her, and if I suggested you go, then he couldn't possibly argue with that." Dad looked almost smug.

I never knew my dad was so sneaky. "Ha, I like that. That'll annoy him. You are more devious than you look Dad."

"Hey, I'm not about to let her go off with him for three days alone, even if they are going to visit your mother. Anyway, you deserve a break from school."

"Thanks Dad. I don't know how it will go, but I will happily take the other ticket so that he doesn't get to go." I leaned back and shook my head. If it annoyed Edward, I was all for it.

Dad snorted. "I knew you were my favorite for a reason."

"When do we leave?" I asked.

Dad popped a chip in his mouth. "Friday. The flight leaves at nine and you come home Monday night."

That only gave me two days.

"This is good, it'll give you two a chance to bond, to get away from life and relax." Dad said.

I nodded. I hoped it would go that way.

And so I began packing. While I organized my room I called the Black's house. Ever since Bella had been calling non stop Billy was the designated answerer of the phone. When he heard my voice he called for Jacob.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

I shuffled my suitcase around. "So, interesting turn of events. I'm going to Florida."

A crash sounded on the other side of the phone and Jacob gasped. "Why? What's wrong?"

I laughed. "Nothing. It is a visit to my mom. Bella apparently has two tickets and when Dad found out that Deadward wanted to go along he said 'Oh, that's nice. Then both girls can go and visit their mother.' "

Jacob relaxed. "That's good. How long will you be gone?"

"Three and a half days. Anyway, I'm happy to throw a wrench in his plans. I wasn't planning on going anytime soon, but for this, yes." I smirked.

I continued packing. I froze when I saw a box that had gone untouched for months.

My camera.

I hadn't taken a picture since before the Cullens had returned, and had barely used it since Bella had come.

I carefully brushed the dust off of it and after checking it over, placed it gently in my bag.

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