21. Truth Revealed

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The next day I tried calling Jacob, but Billy said that he was still sleeping. It made sense as he had had a very long day and a late night yesterday. So instead I headed over to Emily's to visit.

As soon as I arrived, I gave her a big hug. This was the first time I had seen her in person since she and Sam had gotten engaged last week. "I am so happy for you!"

Emily returned the hug. "Thank you! I am so happy! Now do you mind helping me? I have a lot of baking to do."

"Of course!" I grabbed an apron and slung it around my waist. "What are you making today?"

"I was thinking muffins, though I'm not sure what type. I don't want to do the same thing too many times," Emily said as we got out her large mixing bowls.

"How about apple cinnamon muffins? Both Jacob and Embry like that sort of thing," I suggested. I drummed my fingers lightly on the edge of the bowl. "And I'm pretty sure that the guys would eat whatever you make as long as it is food."

"You're right. But apple cinnamon it shall be," Emily laughed and then began gathering the ingredients. She handed me a couple apples to peel and slice, while she mixed up the dry ingredients. While we worked we chatted and gossiped about anything and everything. Eventually, as always, the topic turned to the pack.

"Jacob hasn't let me be to close to him when he is phased yet. How long do you think it will take for him to get under control?" I asked her.

"Well, from what I have seen, he has been doing really well, way better than Paul. Especially when he is around you. So if you keep him calm, it shouldn't be too long," Emily replied.

I really wanted to pet Jacob's fur, but so far he had been super careful around me as he didn't want to hurt me in any way. I thought it would be fine but maybe he had seen Sam's memories and was being extra cautious.

An hour or so later the first batch of muffins was done, and I headed off to the bathroom. I was just finishing washing my hands when I heard the familiar yipping noise that the guys made when they were close to the house.

Upon entering the kitchen, I saw Embry and Jared stuffing their faces with muffins, but to my surprise, Bella was also standing in the kitchen.

"So, you're the vampire girl." Emily stated.

"I guess, and you're the ... wolf girl?" Bella asked, staring at Emily's scars.

"Well, I'm engaged to one." She said.

I didn't want to make a scene, and now that Bella knew about the wolves, we could talk more sensibly, and hopefully we could rebuild our relationship. I tried to smile at Bella. "Welcome to the fun club." I greeted her a little awkwardly.

Bella did a double take. She must not have seen me come in earlier. "Liana? You know about all this?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. I've known for almost a year now. I found out while you were in the hospital." There's food for thought. I snarked to myself.

"Umm, well, wow. Why didn't you say anything to me?" Bella asked, sounding rather surprised.

I turned away and studied the clock very intently. "It wasn't my secret to tell."

"Ten bucks says Paul will win." Jared bet.

"No way, Jacob is a natural. He phased on the fly." Embry countered.

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