41. Panic

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Honestly, Sam and the others took the news that Dad knew pretty well. I could tell that Sue was happy, but she went at Dads pace when it came to that topic.

Dad was a little uncomfortable with the whole thing, but overall tried to ignore Jacob. So we made a point to meet up at his house instead of mine.

We had all of two days of peace and quiet before a bombshell was dropped on us. It was the beginning of the most terrible month of my life.

And it started with a phone call.

And not the phone call that I was expecting. It wasn't a distraught sounding Carlisle saying that Bella and Edward were in an accident and died.

No, it wasn't that easy.

On the other end of the phone was Bella herself. Dad picked up and I listened as Bella told the story of how she had gotten some tropical disease and was staying away from everyone. The thing is, she actually sounded sick, and vampires are almost incapable of sounding anything less than perfect.

And when Bella gets sick, she sounds awful.

So, Bella was supposedly not changed, but instead very infectiously sick.

I didn't know what to do so I did the obvious-call Jacob.

Jacob told me to relax, that Bella was probably just sick, and he said that he would go and check himself.

And so, I headed down to La Push to wait for Jacob at Emily's house.

Embry and Seth were there helping Emily move a few things. Sam and Paul were patrolling, and the rest were probably just at their homes. I began washing the dishes while I waited for Jacob.

I heard the familiar sound of Jacobs motorcycle pull up and his heavy footsteps on the porch.

His face was dark, and he shook a little as he stared at Seth. "Phase and call everyone in. I've got some news."

I wiped my hands dry and twisted the towel nervously in front of me. As Seth let out a howl outside, Jacob came and looked at me uncertainly. "She's human. But... I'm gonna wait to say it once."

I nodded. It must be bad if he wasn't going to tell me now.

Slowly, everyone filtered in to Sam and Emily's house.

"What's going on?"

"What's up Jake?"

"Dude, this better be important. Rachel was giving me a back massage." Paul scowled.

"Shut up guys, and let him talk." Leah interjected.

Jacob sighed. "So, I honestly don't know what to think about this all and we have to be careful about what we do."

"About what?" Sam asked, frowning.

"Bella's pregnant." Jacob deadpanned.

Silence reigned for a moment while everyone thought about what he said. My brain short circuited.

"I don't see how that's so bad, I mean-" Jared started.

Jacob cut him off. "Bella is pregnant and she wasn't at the wedding. She looks like she swallowed a watermelon right now. It is growing extremely fast and is killing her in the process. The bloodsuckers are split on what do with it, but Bella refuses to let anything happen to it."

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