3. The Accident

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Unfortunately, the weather decided to have a hiccup. It snowed, but then almost immediately turned into slush. It was disappointing that our snowy winter was almost over. I enjoyed snow for the most part, but slush was annoying. It made it hard to bike and more people had accidents, which made Dad busier at work.

My thoughts were cut off by the general chatter of school hallways.

"Man that test was tough!" Amy exclaimed on our way out of class.

"It certainly wasn't easy," I agreed, but I honestly didn't find it that hard. Chemistry was usually one of my better subjects, but I wasn't about to brag when I didn't have a mark yet.

"Hey look, Edward Cullen is back," Amy jerked her head in the direction of the Cullens table. Sure enough he was there, talking with his family as if he had never left. My eyes fell on Bella who was staring at him.

After class I approached Bella in the hallway who was holding a golden onion and talking to Edward in the hallway. Suddenly he turned and stiffly stalked off in the other direction.

"What was that about?" I asked Bella.

She stared at his retreating back, "I have no idea. I don't get him! One moment he hates me, the next he's all friendly, and now he walks away!" She said in exasperation.

"I'm sure it's got nothing to do with you. Before you came he didn't talk to anyone unless he had to," I tried to assure her, but I didn't even convince myself.

After school I made my way to the parking lot to retrieve my bike. My fingers were freezing as I unlocked the chain holding it to the bike stand. I could have gotten a ride with Bella, but I was stubborn. And the sidewalks were kept pretty clear.

As I was put my keys away and tugged on my gloves, a horrible squealing noise filled the air. My head whipped towards the noise, my hair smacking me in the face, and what I saw filled me with dread. A van hurtled towards Bella who was standing in front of her truck.

"Bella!" I screamed.

The van came to a crunching stop against Bella's truck and I could no longer see my sister. I ran over, heart racing, scared of what I would see. To my utter shock and relief, Bella was in one piece, and seemed to be unharmed.

"Bella! You should be dead! What happened? How are you okay? Are you okay?!" I exclaimed, completely stunned that she was alive and not bleeding.

Bella looked a little surprised to see me, but answered in a somewhat confused tone. "Edward pushed me out of the way, but he was no where near me. He said I bumped my head but I didn't." She raised her hand and pressed her head. "I didn't get hit."

"Don't worry about it, the ambulance is here now and will take you to the hospital to get you checked out," I said, as the chances that she had bumped her head were actually quite high. I hadn't seen Edward near her when the van almost hit her, but I hadn't been looking. He also wasn't anywhere around right now.

"I don't need to go to the hospital," Bella protested.

"Bella. You almost got squashed by a van. I think it would be good to go to the hospital," I said. My heart rate had began to slow down and I felt much calmer now.

Dad showed up and I explained what I knew. Several other students that had been paying attention told their version of what happened and eventually Bella got put in the ambulance and Dad and I followed behind in his cruiser.
When we got to Bella, she was still protesting the she was fine. Dr. Cullen examined her and proclaimed her to be fine.

As Bella and I went down the hall after her being released, we saw Edward Cullen talking to his dad. He tried to walk past us but Bella stopped him.

"How did you save me? You were all the way across the parking lot. How did you get over to me so fast?" She demanded, getting right to the point.

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