19. ...And Explanations

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I slept fitfully all night and then woke up early and had breakfast. Dad called to see how Jake was doing so I told him that he was still not doing well. I hadn't heard anything yet so I assumed that it was true. Bella called and Billy told her that Jacob couldn't talk. I kept hoping for yet dreading the news that he had phased back. It was unrealistic that he would shift back today, but maybe Sam would give an update on his progress.

I couldn't sit still, but I also didn't want to go home until I knew what was happening, and so I cleaned. I swept the floor, did the dishes, dusted the shelves, tidied Jacob's room, and did some laundry all while listening for the phone.

Finally the phone rang not long after three, just after I made a snack for Billy. He answered it and from what I could hear Jacob had changed back. Billy nodded to me when he was done.

"You can go over there. He's phased back and wants to see you," he said.

"No way! This soon? How? Never mind, see you later!" I was out the door in a flash.

"Thanks for cleaning!" He called after me.

"No problem!" I called back. I jumped into the Rabbit and hastily drove to Emily's place. The nerves hit me again as the house came into view. I parked the Rabbit and took a deep breath. Then I got out and slowly approached the door. I could here Paul and Embry laughing and then Jake's voice cut in. I steeled myself and entered.

"Hey guys." I waved.

Everyone was quiet as we waited for Jacob to turn around. He looked a little taller and broader at the shoulders, but that could have been because he was shirtless. He was barefoot and only wore a pair of cutoff shorts just like the rest of the pack, and standing out on his copper skin of his shoulder was the black tattoo that the other guys sported. And, to my amusement and delight, his hair was cut short. It was choppily done, with bits here and there being a bit longer than the others, but overall it was a decent haircut. He looks good with short hair. He just looks good in general. He took a deep breath but didn't turn around. When he finally did his eyes were squeezed shut. I held my breath, waiting for and dreading his eyes meeting mine.

"Hi Liana." Jacob said, sounding nervous.

"Hi," I whispered. I wished that we didn't have an audience, but I pushed that thought aside. I could deal with it for now. I inhaled deeply. "You can look at me."

Jacob shook his head. "But what if I don't imprint on you? I don't want you getting hurt." He sounded upset.

I smiled sadly. Clearly we were both worried about the same thing. "It's okay. We'll figure it out. You can look at me. You will have to eventually, so we should get it over with." I encouraged, but as I said it, my eyes shut tightly.

There was a pause of silence and then Jacob laughed. "Your eyes have to be open too you know." The guys snickered quietly behind him and I made a face in their general direction.

Now the pressure was on me. I winced and opened my eyes. A dazed look came over Jacob's face as our eyes met. He froze and then relaxed, a grin splitting his face. The grin was quickly mirrored on my face as I felt a wave of relief wash over me. The guys whooped and cheered behind him. I knew then that Jacob Ephraim Black had imprinted on me, Liana Mae Swan.

"Can we go outside?" I asked. I desperately wanted to talk to Jacob alone, without the nosy audience of the pack boys. Not that it would make a difference in the end with their mind sharing, but the illusion of privacy however temporary was better than nothing. He nodded and stepped toward me.

"Careful, Liana," Sam cautioned, reaching out a hand. "He only phased back this morning and is still unpredictable."

"I'll be careful," I said, not taking my eyes off Jacob's.

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