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Jacob Black's POV.

Sometimes things just don't go the way you want them to.

Other times they go perfectly.

And sometimes they go an unexpected direction with a better outcome than could be imagined.

And when it came to girls, you could never really tell which way it was going to go.

Thankfully for me, everything sort of fell in place. It took a bit, but things eventually things worked out.

You see, there was this girl I had been friends with forever. She was my best friend ever, but don't tell my boys that I said that.

Liana Swan, a picture of beauty. No one could compare to her. She was-

"Jacob Black!" Dad shouted, breaking me out of my train of thought.

I jumped off my bed to my feet. "Sheesh Dad! You scared me."

Dad rolled his eyes. "Dreaming again? Well don't worry, we're going over there and you can see her."

I blushed and stuttered. "See who? I don't know what you mean."

Dad chuckled. "Sure you do. Now come on. We've got to get this truck delivered. Charlie wants it there by three. And this way he can drive us home, so you can spend more time with your girlfriend."

My face darkened even more. "Liana isn't my girlfriend."

"Not yet." Dad laughed.

I groaned, but secretly hoped he was right. A grin spread my face as we exited the door.

Either way, I wasn't going to say no to seeing her.

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