4. Port Angeles

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My waiting got me somewhere with Bella, and unfortunately that somewhere was stuffed into a little car zooming down the highway.

Jessica Stanley, the owner of the said little car, drove fast. If she was seen by a police officer she would definitely get a ticket. I tried to ignore the gossip going on in the front of the car as we sped towards Port Angeles, but try as I might, I learned a lot about people that I didn't know before.

Even though prom was still months away we were going dress shopping. Or, rather, Jessica and Angela Weber were going dress shopping and they invited Bella, who in turn dragged me along so she wouldn't be stuck alone with those two.

I didn't hate shopping personally, I just didn't need new clothes very often and so didn't do it much.

This past month had been very interesting where Bella was concerned. Ever since Edward rescued her, he had avoided and ignored her. It didn't bother me except that Bella was now obsessed with him and clung to the thought that he was superhumanly fast. I still think she hit her head.

Bella had been very quiet this week. Last weekend I was down at the beach and met up with Jacob, who told Bella the tribal legends. I had heard them several times before and had always found them interesting. They were just stories, but when Billy told them, they came to life.

"Okay! We're here!" Jessica announced as we came to a stop in a parking lot of a clothing store. I slung my purse around my neck as we walked inside.
Jessica and Angela headed straight for the dress section while Bella sat down on a chair outside of the change rooms.

I decided to browse for jeans as a previous pair of mine had been thoroughly ruined for public wearing. It had been a complete accident. Jacob was working on his car and I was bringing him a snack when he stood up and bumped into me. I tripped and fell over backwards into a oil pan all before he could turn around. The jeans were now to be used only when I was in the garage with Jacob. And the cookies, well, they never did get eaten on account of them being drenched in engine oil and covered in dirt.

I studied a few pairs before I picked two to try on, a black pair and a light blue pair. I turned to head to the change rooms when the skirt rack caught my eye. Normally I didn't wear skirts to often, but this one was perfect. It was semi transparent navy blue with pink petals over a shorter, solid navy blue underskirt. A thick black belt was attached to the waist of the skirt.

After grabbing the skirt, I hurried into a change room and tried on the jeans. The black pair fit well but the blue one was a little on the large side. Setting the jeans aside I pulled on the skirt. It fit perfectly and felt good swishing around my legs. I stepped out to get a second opinion. "What do you think?"

"That looks nice on you," Bella said, still sitting on the chair.

I took a few steps and then twirled to make to skirt flare.

"That is gorgeous!" Angela exclaimed as she stepped out of her change room wearing a blue floor length dress.

"Thanks. You look really good in that colour," I commented.

Angela blushed. "Do you think Ben will like it?" She asked.

"He will love it," I assured her. I didn't know who Ben was, but if he was smart he would like it. Or, if he liked Angela he would like it.

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