7. In Phoenix Again

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After several long and tense phone calls Dad explained the situation to me. "Bella fell down some stairs and went through a window at a hotel. She broke her leg and has several other minor injuries," He sighed. "I called your mother and she is going to be there in a day or two."

"Are we going to Phoenix Dad?" I asked.

Dad leaned his arms on the counter. "I guess so. We will leave as soon as possible, so you better pack a bag."

I nodded and ran up the stairs to my room. I flopped onto my bed and stared a the ceiling.
Bella goes on a date with a vampire, comes home and leaves after breaking up with him, flys to Phoenix, and ends up in the hospital.
I gave a short laugh. Vampires and werewolves were real. Surprised I haven't lost it yet.

I got up and grabbed a backpack out of my slightly messy closet. More than slightly messy, it's a disaster. I need to clean my room when we get back. I grabbed a few changes of clothes and stuffed them the bag. I headed to the bathroom to gather the rest of my stuff.

The flight to Phoenix seemed to take forever. I tried to read the book I brought but I couldn't really get into it. Shoving my book away I closed my eyes and tried to relax. It didn't work. Whenever I closed my eyes I kept seeing Sam and Jared phase and imagining Bella being bitten by Edward. Now that I knew he was a vampire, I liked him even less.
Before we left I gave Jacob a quick call to let him know what happened.

When we arrived I instantly remembered why I didn't like Arizona. The sun shone blazingly bright and hot for early June and the air was much dryer here than in Forks. Dad called a taxi to take us to the hospital Bella was at.

The nurse at the desk informed us that Bella was still unconscious but we could see her for twenty minutes. We took the elevator to floor three and found our way to room 257. A nurse came out of the room just as we got there.

"Are you Mr. Swan?" She asked.

Dad nodded. "Yes. And this is my daughter Liana."

The nurse smiled. "It's nice to meet you. Bella is sleeping right now and her boyfriend is in there with her."

I stiffened, alarm bells going off in my mind. "Edward is here? I didn't know he was in Phoenix."

The nurse nodded. "He and his father brought her in. You can go in and visit for a while, but try to keep it quiet."

She then walked off and we went in.
In the middle of the room lay Bella, attached to an IV, a heart monitor and oxygen. Off to the side sat Edward. I glared in his direction, but then I remembered what he was. A hospital is usually full of blood. I stepped closer to Bella's bed and glanced at him nervously.

Edward stood up and offered his hand to dad. His nostrils flared a little as if he was sniffing which made me even more uncomfortable. "I'm very sorry that Bella is in the hospital. My father and I came to Phoenix to try and bring her back. We were walking down the stairs at her hotel when she tripped and fell down two flights of stairs and through a window. We got her to the hospital right away but she hasn't woken yet."

Dad shook his hand and nodded. "Thanks."

I just looked at him. I was slightly sceptical as to the authenticity of his story. Likely as not it was a cover up for something a bit more unnatural. Fortunately, Bella didn't look like she had been bitten.

Edward left the room to give us privacy, but I couldn't rest easily while I knew he could read minds.

"I don't really like him." I told Dad.

Dad looked perplexed. "Why? He seems like a good kid. I don't have a problem with him. So far, at least."

I shrugged. "It's just a funny feeling. He rubs me wrong you know? I just feel uncomfortable."

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