43. The End

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That's what Bella was. She was gone. I sobbed in Jacob's arms at the top of the stairs. I slid to the floor and he followed.

"I knew this was coming, but I still didn't really expect it." I cried.

Jacob cleared his throat. "I know." I felt a few tears drip onto my head.

He held me for what felt like hours, but it was actually only a few minutes. I let go of him and wiped my eyes. After several deep breaths I lifted my head and shuddered.

"Let's go see the baby." I whispered. Jacobs face darkened but he nodded.

We slowly walked down the steps and Jacob lead me into the living room.

We were not met with a demon that was out for blood like Jacob was expecting. Well, she had bitten me, but it had almost stopped bleeding.

Instead we found Rosalie cradling an adorable looking baby girl who was now clean and clothed. The baby was staring at Rose with wide and curious eyes. So far the kid wasn't a monster, but she was certainly different.

"Jacob!" Seth bounded in the door to meet us. "The pack is coming. What do we do?"

Rosalie snapped her head towards us. "If anyone touches her, they are dead." She snarled protectively.

Seth looked in their direction curiously and his eyes met the baby's.

And it happened.

The glazed eyes.

The dopey grin.

The dreamy look.

Seth imprinted.

On my niece.

But her mother was dead.

And her father was useless.

Jacob stared at Seth in shock. "Well, no worries about that."

Seth let out a sigh and smiled. I walked to Rosalie. "She's normal?"

Rosalie nodded. She didn't even look sad about Bella, she was so enamoured with the baby. Seth came up behind me and peeked over my shoulder at her.

"She's perfect." He breathed.

Rosalie frowned at him. "I agree but why do you care little mutt?"

Seth looked at me nervously. "Uhhh, hhmmm."

I sighed, throat still thick. "Seth imprinted on her."

Rosalie snarled again, angrily this time. "She doesn't even have a name! You can't have her!"

I stepped back and so did Seth. "He only wants to protect her-hey, where'd Jacob go?"

"Jake went to tell the pack. They won't hurt her because she is an imprint." Seth explained.

Rosalie settled back onto the couch and Seth and I sat opposite her. "Fine, but you follow our rules, pup."

"Bella's dead." I whispered.

Rosalie nodded. "I know. Edwards still trying but I haven't heard a heartbeat up there. I'm worried for him."

"She needs a name." I added.

Rosalie winced. "Edward won't come down. He says that we can name her whatever."

Seth grimaced. "That not all that he said."

I sighed. "I don't know what we should go with. I know we all disagreed with Bella, but I think we should do something to remember her."

"Like her middle name or something." Seth offered.

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