2. First week

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Dad and I arrived at the airport in Port Angeles after an hour and a half drive from Forks. Bella's flight was supposed to arrive in fifteen minutes, and I was nearly bouncing with excitement. Once Bella's flight got in, it took a few more minutes before we saw her.

"Bella!" I waved at her and she waved back with a half smile.

As soon as she reached us I threw my arms around her in a hug. Bella stiffened beneath my touch. Right, forgot she hates hugs.
I withdrew and gave her a smile instead.
She greeted dad awkwardly and then we collected her luggage.

"Did you bring a cactus?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Umm, yeah." Was all the response I got.

The ride home was very awkward. Dad found it hard to make small talk, and Bella didn't say much either. I tried to start the conversation several times, but Bella seemed uncomfortable so I quit trying.

Showing her the house didn't go much better.

"We cleared some shelves in the bathroom for you," Dad said.

"Right, one bathroom, I forgot," Bella said, her face tight.

Her room was next.

"I hope you like purple, Liana picked it out for you," Dad continued.

"Purple is cool," She nodded noncommittally.

"Well I'll leave you to it," Dad mumbled.

As he was leaving I nudged him and whispered, "I knew she wouldn't be to happy about the bathroom."

I brought the last of Bella's bags in from the car and sat on her bed as she started to unpack.
"It'll be fun having you here, I can show you all the nicest places around here and in La Push."

"Yeah, maybe we could do that. I kind of want
to get settled in first before we do anything," Bella said, shuffling stuff around in her bag.

"No problem. Take all the time you need," I told her.

Just then we heard a rumbling from outside and Bella rushed to the window. I know what that is, I grinned as I followed her outside. As soon as Dad heard Bella was coming, he asked Billy if he could buy the truck that Jacob had fixed. The truck was old and orangey red, but was fine.

But I was excited to see Jacob, not the truck.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black?"Dad asked once we had gotten outside.

"Yeah," Bella said. "You're looking good."

"Well I'm still dancing," Billy said. "I'm glad you're finally here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

Jacob and I shared a grin, it was true, dad had been talking about it to anyone that would listen. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire town probably knew Bella was moving in.
Dad and Billy started goofing of like the kids they were, and I walked up to Jacob.

"Long time no see," I said.

"You saw me two days ago," he said with a smirk.

"I meant about Bella, you goof."

He turned to her, "Hey, I'm Jacob. We, uh, we used to make mud pies when we were little," he gave an awkward laugh.

"Right, no, I remember," Bella said to him. She clearly didn't remember.

"Are they always like this?" Bella asked, about Dad and Billy.

"It's getting worse with old age," Jacob said.

The Little Things Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon