4//a day out

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Despite being completely exhausted and not having slept properly in days, Hailey could barely sleep that night. The box was still on her mind. She figured that it was from her grandparents or something along those lines and had been given to Dumbledore by Aunt Petunia.

She turned on the lights and kneeled on the floor and pulled out the box from under her bed. She opened it and stared at it intently for a few minutes. All of her mother's things. She always had a connection to her father because everyone told her how much she looked like him or her natural quidditch abilities but her mother had always been sidelined somehow.

Aunt Petunia only talked about her father most of the time. She went on about how much a good-for-nothing he was but she never had much to say about her own sister. 

Now, she had a chance to get to know her mother, through all the letters she sent home. Pictures were one thing but she didn't really want to read through the letters right now, just the thought was unimaginable. She decided, maybe later.

Hailey was about to go to sleep when she took a look at the emerald green dress that was undoubtedly from her mother's prom. Hailey felt a rush of excitement course through her veins as she decided to try it on. She took off her clothes and slipped the dress on, the grin never leaving her face.

Hailey had to say, she had never been so disappointed in her life.

The dress was beautiful, magnificent even. The top was corset-like with intricate flowers and vine patterns in green and gold leaving the rest of the top to be see-through material. The breastbone area was decorated with gold chains and the shoulder was exaggerated with darker green stiff fabric which also covered her neck--she was sure there was a word for it but she had no clue. There were no sleeves but a length of silk/ tule extended from the shoulder down her arms. The same material filled out the bottom of the dress too which was all tied together with a slit on the left leg.

 The same material filled out the bottom of the dress too which was all tied together with a slit on the left leg

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The only part she was disappointed about was herself. Her bony shoulders ruined the beautiful neckline of the dress and she was too skinny to fill out the right places and her unshaven, bony leg did the beautiful leg slit no justice. 

She wanted so badly to look good in this dress.

Hailey took off the dress and folded it gently- with care. She wrapped it back into the plastic and slid it back under the bed. The dress would never look good on her ever.


The next morning, Hailey woke up muzzy. She had a good night's sleep after a long time but everything felt foreign. She woke up with a start, not even recognizing the place till her brain caught up to her and she remembered what had happened. Yesterday had been quite eventful.

She checked the time, it was nearly noon. How had she slept for so long? She hurried off of the bed and into the washroom. Hailey came out ten minutes later after she had put on one of her better muggle outfits (Dudley's best hand-me-downs) and went down to the kitchen where Natasha was already preparing breakfast- or well probably lunch now.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now